Jemma - Year 13
Meet the Family

Jemma leaves us this summer after five successful years. Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award recipient, House Sports Captain and a School Prefect, Jemma represented Denstone at 1st team level in both Hockey and Tennis and was responsible for the entire choreography of the main school play, Grease.

An extract from the Leavers’ Valete

Ours leavers valete would not be complete without reference to Jemma.  She is a great motivator and an exemplary role model for younger generations in the House. She is loved and admired by many who see her as an inspirational leader. Her support and help have proved invaluable and I do hope she has enjoyed her final year in the House.

Art has been a central part in Jemma’s final year in Denstone. I was most impressed with her final exam piece and her amazingly detailed portraits of the Baileys. She is able to produce tremendous pieces, which have been commended by many. With her eye for detail and her determination and commitment, Jemma is intending to pursue a competitive degree in Architecture at the University of Newcastle.

Although Jemma will undoubtedly feel some sadness at moving on, she is clearly looking forward to the new challenges ahead. She leaves us as a very confident and popular young lady, who I am sure, will thrive in the university environment. The House will be poorer without Jemma. It has been a privilege to have such a formidable girl in the House. I and the entire House say goodbye to her now knowing that she has a fantastic future ahead.


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