Denstone College Oxbridge Activity
Extra Curricular Activities - Thursday

Yesterday in the Oxbridge Activity, we were playing one of Dr Baker's favourite games, 'Tripos', based on the medieval disputationes de obligationibus (unfortunately, without the customary three-legged stool).


A pupil in turn has to defend a difficult proposition against all comers. The catch is, however, that the group decide what proposition each 'triposer' has to defend. Prospective scientist Austin D. bravely went first, and was ungenerously asked to argue the proposition that 'The Earth is flat', which thesis he defended with terrier-like indefatigability. Renowned sceptic Isaac C. was next up, and so of course was asked by the group to argue for a literal six-day creationist view of the cosmos, which he did with the fervour of a true believer. The interlocutors were fierce with their questions and rebuttals, but both triposers put up a fantastic fight, and we all had a lot of fun.