Denstone College says Farewell to Mr Norris
Unspecified Awards

During his final weeks as Headmaster at Denstone College, we were delighted to unveil to Mr Miles Norris a plaque naming our woodland area ‘Norris Wood’.

‘Norris Wood’ is an area in the school grounds, which will be dedicated to outdoor learning and will become a key aspect of life at The Prep at Denstone College.  Miles was also asked to plant a Purple Beech, which will stand out amongst the green of the surrounding trees as a beacon of the impact he has had on the lives of many Denstonians over the 16 years that he worked at the College.

Miles first joined Denstone in 2002 for three years.  He then joined Haileybury College in 2005 before returning to his true home at Denstone in 2008. He was appointed Deputy Head in 2014 and Headmaster in 2018.  Miles is a multitalented individual who has brought so much to our school including his own experience as an Oxford Undergraduate and Post Graduate student.  He has shared his passion for the “extracurricular” with our pupils and it is this and his drive which has brought him to be such a respected Head and member of the Denstone Community.

Miles took the decision to leave Denstone as his family move to Switzerland in September to take on a huge opportunity and life adventure, as his Wife Ruth has been appointed as Head of St Georges International School in Montreux. We wish Miles, Ruth, and their children every success and good fortune as they move forward. We also offer Miles our sincere thanks and gratitude for all he has done for our College.

His dedication to Denstone and our community has been outstanding and he will be very much missed.

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