Denstone College Newsletter - 10-06-2022

10 June 2022

Newsletter from the Head – Week 7

Dear Parents and Guardians

Welcome back to the Summer Term! After a much needed Half Term break, it is wonderful to see the campus come alive again and to feel the palpable excitement of purposeful children making the most of their days at school. The break has also allowed us the chance to refresh the weekly newsletter and to provide a forum for sharing the news of the College in a different format – we do hope you like it.

Alongside our news this week, we also have a number of important notes and information and I would be grateful if you could take the time to read through all communications on the Parent Portal and respond where necessary.

Staff Updates

I am delighted to announce the following internal appointments with effect from September 2022.

James Young moves out of his position as Head of South House and Middle School to take on the leadership of Meynell House. Chris Sassi returns to the school in September and will begin as Head of Woodard House. Both James and Chris have previously held Head of House positions and therefore their experience will ensure they take on these roles quickly and effectively and I know will be popular choices with the pupils.

South House (and Middle School) will now be led by Josie Davis who steps into this exciting boarding role. Josie is an incredibly experienced boarding tutor, lives on site and will prove a wonderful asset to this thriving boarding house. She will be ably supported by Alex Dawson who will take on the role as Assistant Head of South House.

James, Chris and Josie will be in touch directly with those families who will be most closely involved in their leadership roles and will be working hard in the coming weeks to ensure a smooth transition.

Also, following a lengthy and highly competitive application process, we welcome Ali Falconer as Director of Hockey from September 2022. Ali joins us from Langley Park School for Boys, where he has been Head of Hockey for the last 9 years and comes with a wealth of experience, including playing national league for 12 years representing Plymouth, Guilford and Bromley and Beckenham. Ali looks forward to building on the foundations and the great work already in place for Denstone Hockey.

School Fees 2022-23

Please note the school website and the Parent Portal has been updated with the School Fees for the academic year 2022-2023.

Sports Tour to New Zealand and Singapore

We are really excited about this upcoming tour and thank you to everyone who has already expressed an interest. We have now extended the deadline for completing the electronic response on the iSAMS parent site until Monday 13 June at midnight. If anyone has any questions regarding the tour, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]. Mr Williams will confirm all details of the tour, including price, once numbers are confirmed.

Summer Term Sports Photographs

Summer Term sports photographs can be ordered by visiting and entering the photo tag: GFNY4KQV.

Summer Soiree - Saturday 25 June

We would like to clarify that the Summer Soiree is an event for parents and their friends and not pupils and children on this occasion. We apologise for any confusion, but licensing arrangements mean this event is for over 18s. As we have been dealing with queries about the arrangements, we have extended the deadline for purchasing tickets to midday on Tuesday 14th. Payment via bank transfer please, using your surname as the reference.

Account details:
Denstone Parents Events

Please confirm your ticket purchase to [email protected] so that you are added to the guest list.

Denstone Parents Events are hoping to hold a raffle at the event in aid of Royal Springboard and the Denstone Foundation and are asking all parents to donate a bottle or two (wine, spirits, cordials etc). Donations are being collected at The Cafe which is open over the weekend. We are very grateful for all donations.


Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Speeches and Prizegiving
  • Art Exhibition Invitation - Friday 1 July
  • Fees 2022-2023
  • Music Lesson Timetabling
  • Lower Sixth Form Parents’ Evening 
  • InvestIN Summer Experience Flyer – Fourth to Upper Sixth Form
  • InvestIN Making the Most of Work Experience - Parent Handout – Fourth to Upper Sixth Form
  • Careers Talks and Work Experience
  • Great Second Form Camp Out Schedule
  • Shrewsbury House Dinner – Reminder

With very best wishes




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