The Prep Newsletter - 10-06-2022
Newsletter - The Prep Unspecified

10 June 2022


Dear Parents and Guardians,

This week, I write to you from the sunny shores of Humphrey Head in the Lake District, the location of Prep 6’s residential trip. So far, the pupils have experienced bed making (some were confused by duvet covers and sheets!), orienteering, sea cliff scramble, bush craft, tackling the mountain walk up ‘Gummers How’, and taking out catamaran-canoes on Lake Windermere. However, the most exciting part of our residential so far has undoubtedly been meeting the Centre dog…Rebel!

Back at home, it’s been a busy week. Tuesday saw the return of the annual Prep 3&4 House swimming contest. Congratulations to the winning House, Oaks.

On Friday, Reception will enjoy a Teddy Bear's Picnic in the afternoon. Meanwhile, Prep 2 will have been getting ready for a night’s camping! 


Looking ahead…

 On Wednesday 15th June, we welcome Bruce Ncube back to the Prep to demonstrate African drumming. Pupils and staff alike thoroughly enjoyed experiencing a taste of Africa’s rich culture during Bruce’s last visit, and I would like to extend a ‘thank you’ on behalf of the wider Prep community to the PTFA for funding such an exciting workshop. 

On Thursday 16 June, we will welcome some Old Denstonians to see our wonderful pupils in action at the Prep. 

Finally, the information for upcoming Prep 6 PSHE workshops is attached.  


Upcoming Events

Friday 1 July – 1300 Speech Day (please see the attached invitation)

Thursday 23 June – 1630 Summer Serenade (parents can bring picnics to Addies)

Thursday 7 July - Leaver’s Dinner (Prep 6 pupils and parents)

Friday 8 July - 1030-1130 - Leaver’s Service in Chapel


Sports Photographs

Sports photos are now available to order.  Please find below the photo tag and link to the website 

Photo Tag: TZ2HXLR6



Best wishes

Mrs Tracey Davies

Head of Prep


Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Michaelmas 2022 Bus Service
  • Speech Day Invititation
  • Prep 6 PSHE Workshops


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