Prep Newsletter 13-01-2023
The Prep at Denstone College

Dear Parents and Guardians

So the festive break is over and we’re back to it with renewed vigour at the Prep. The staff are raring to go, the pupils are clearly ready to go! I can’t remember ever being that excited to return to school after a holiday. It was lovely to see them meeting up with their old, and a few new, friends.

The Lent term is a lovely term, full of promise and optimism as the Spring season gradually replaces the cold long winter. The days are getting longer, the daffodils and snowdrops make a remarkable comeback as they push their heads through the cold wet mud reminding us all of warmer times just around the corner.

As we begin the new term, can I ask you once again to look carefully at our online calendar to familiarise yourself with the exciting events scheduled for the Lent term.  Prep 5 have Chapel Assemblies over the coming weeks and Prep 5 parents are warmly invited to join us for these events in Chapel from 0840. This year is our birthday – we come together as a community to celebrate our 150th anniversary and I look forward to sharing more details of this with you in the coming weeks. Additionally, we have launched our new film. This 90-second-blockbuster, enjoyed by the Prep pupils on Friday this week, has demonstrated what a little creativity and a proud and robust imagination can do to bring Denstone to life.

Additionally, please do continue to read our weekly bulletins throughout the term, this is an invaluable source of information for the week ahead and contains important information and updates regarding both Prep and College events. I very much look forward to welcoming you to our many and varied events throughout the term.  

An invitation to register for the 2024 ski trip will be sent to parents of our current Prep 6 through to Third Form pupils, by email, on Tuesday 17 January at 6pm. Due to the popularity of this trip, we recommend that if your son/daughter is interested you register as soon as you receive the invitation.

Polite reminder that all pupils require wellies and waterproofs in school, since pupils do play outside in all weathers.

Finally, please find attached Lent term curriculum maps for Pre-Prep 1 to Prep 6.

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