The Prep Newsletter - 21-04-2023
The Prep at Denstone College Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Parents / Guardians

I hope this letter finds you well and that you enjoyed a restful and rejuvenating Easter break with your family.

With the summer term now underway, we have a lot to look forward to. Our pupils continue to benefit from a wide range of academic and extracurricular opportunities, please check the online calendar for details. You will find our Summer Term Curriculum Maps attached.  I am also delighted to announce that our Director of Rugby, Rupert Harden, will be joining our team of dedicated prep schoolteachers during the Summer term. 

I would like to remind parents that we have implemented Evolve, a new system for booking after-school clubs this term. This system provides a more streamlined and efficient way for parents to sign up for clubs and manage their child's schedule. Additionally, we have changed the billing process for clubs, and parents will now be charged at the beginning of the term rather than at the end. If you have any questions or need assistance with the system, please do not hesitate to contact us.   I would also like to take a moment to express our thanks to Mrs Heron for all her hard work in organising the summer after-school clubs. Her efforts have helped to create a fun and varied program for our pupils. 

Friday 28 April is a home clothes day for Cedar's house charity- The Princess Trust. Pupils are encouraged to wear pink for a donation of £2.  



Just a gentle reminder about parking in front of buildings on site. If you are parking immediately in front of any building on site, e.g. The Prep or The Lodge, could you please reverse-park your vehicle as this makes it easier to see pedestrians and other vehicles when departing. Numerous safety measures have been implemented on site to improve pedestrian and vehicle safety and we would ask for your continued support. Controls in place include the 10mph speed limit (5 mph around the Geography Building) and adhering to the one-way system, which is clearly marked around the site.


Prep 3 Violins

Due to Mr Matthews’ other commitments, Prep 3 Violin will take place on Thursday again next week.


King's Coronation Tea Party

We would like to mark the King's Coronation with a tea party just for Prep pupils.  To help with the jollities, it would be wonderful if children could make a crown to wear at the tea party, which will take place on Thursday 4 May.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to a productive and enjoyable summer term!

Best regards,

Tracey Davies


•     Summer Term Curriculum Maps

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