Denstone College Pupils Complete Gold Duke of Edinburgh Expedition
Duke of Edinburgh

Pupils set off from Brecon YHA on Friday morning at 9am with temperatures already well over 20 degrees. Each day pupils covered between 18-25km, staying in campsites with only a tap and toilet (this is Gold after all...)! 

The midges were out in force every day so just the process of getting up, cooking and taking the tent down resulted in everyone getting bitten. 

The weather was exceptionally hot and there was little opportunity to replenish the teams with water. Bottles of sun tan lotion factor 50 were used up but there was still some impressive sun burn through the leggings for the girls.  It was so hot that those who had applied compeed blister plasters found that they melted into the skin by the end of the day and couldn't be removed without taking chunks of skin with them. Arabella and Will suffered especially with this and have had to give their feet plenty of care since returning. A highlight of the expedition were the boys’ team finding the ideal spot for 4G for them to watch the England football match on their phone!

Monday was the last day and the first team was up and walking by 4am in order to make the 600m climb up Pen y Fan before the heat became too much. 

The heat proved to be a force to be reckoned with, but pupils battled on to complete the expedition, with Rob even managing to head to rugby training as soon as they arrived back at the College!

A huge well done to you all that took part, an incredible achievement of which you all should be very proud. 

List of participants:

Isabel Baker, Robert Bond, Lucy Bowling, Jemma Butcher, Lydia Clarke, Hugh Colquhoun, Amelia Cowie, Oscar dale, Meg Dent, Robert Gray, Madeleine Grocott, Jessica harding, Sam Harding, Megan Huddy, Lexie Linnell, Isabel McManus, Nathan Parmar, William Pearson, Emily Wagstaff, Arabella watts, Grace Wheeler, Nikhil Willis, Oliver Rylance.

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