Denstone College Newsletter - 30-09-2022

30 September 2022


Newsletter from the Head – Week 4

Dear Parents and Guardians

With the nights drawing in, the rain falling and an autumnal feel to the campus, there is no doubt the Michaelmas Term is very much finding its stride. The necessary turbulence and bedding in of the opening few weeks is now behind us and we are settled and marching firmly in step with our ambitions of progress in all areas. Your sons and daughters continue to impress me with their relentless enthusiasm and determination and ability to really find their stride this term. Our Upper Sixth pupils are leading the way and their progress with making concrete plans for their lives post-Denstone is really exciting – there is no doubt our pupils are able to think outside the box and I am excited for the future.

Open Day

Tomorrow is our first Open Day of the academic year and we are opening our doors to well over 100 new families. There is still space for additional visitors so if you have friends or family who would like to make the most of this opportunity, please do point them to our website to register. Additionally, our key dates for assessment for entry into 2023 will soon be upon us and registration for siblings is essential.

Reward and Recognition

Please be aware that we are currently reviewing and revising our full reward policy. The aim of this re-write is to ensure Denstonians are fully rewarded and recognised for excellence in their field and that there is parity between all areas of academia and co-curricular activity. We look forward to publishing this in the near future. In the meantime, if pupils in the Upper Sixth who had previously been awarded 1st XV or 1st XI blazers wish to continue wearing these for match days then that is allowed. Younger players or those who have recently been promoted into these teams will be captured in our new process. I know parents and pupils will be delighted with the offering which fully recognises exceptional performance in many areas whilst maintaining our traditions and heritage.

Water Update

I am delighted to report that our water has now been reconnected and we have full service across the whole school site. I am incredibly proud of the resilience shown by the pupils (particularly of South House boarders) in coping with less than ideal circumstances. The minor inconvenience was very much countered by the continuity of education in all its forms and we hope to not repeat this exercise for some time.

Kenya Launch Meeting - Monday 3 October at 6.30pm

The launch for the Kenya 2024 trip will now be online. Please do join the meeting by clicking the link below or watch the recording later to gain as much information as possible about an opportunity of a lifetime for your children. Open to those currently in Fourth to Lower Sixth Form, one of the highlights of the trip will be 3 days of adventurous training including white water rafting on the Tana River and camping under the stars.

The launch meeting will be an informative and interactive presentation with the chance to ask questions, along with video footage and images of expeditions and what it will be like to take part. There will be lots of information on how the students can raise money to cover the cost of the trip, what they will be doing while in Kenya, the safety and back-up on the expedition and the benefits derived from taking part. 

Please see the Kenyan launch letter on the Parent Portal for the meeting link. 

Sports Tour to Singapore and New Zealand: Summer 2023

Following the launch of this tour last year, we are now in the final stages of planning. If your son or daughter is in the current Fourth, Fifth or Lower Sixth Form and would like to register interest in attending, please look carefully at the letter on the Parent Portal. Please note the tour is now open to boys who wish to play hockey too.

ISC Survey

The Independent School Council have recently launched a parental survey to help them understand the sector more widely. If you have 15 minutes spare, please do click the following link to help them generate meaningful data. Please note that information shared on this platform is not shared with the College specifically. If you wish to participate, please do click here:

Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Kenya Launch Online Meeting
  • Sports Tour to Singapore and New Zealand Summer 2023 – Fourth, Fifth and Lower Sixth Form
  • Sportswear Sale
  • Philips House First Form Social
  • Shrewsbury House Second and Third Form Social

With very best wishes for a relaxing weekend.

Kind regards,


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