The Prep Newsletter - 30-09-2022
Newsletter - The Prep The Prep at Denstone College

Dear Parents/Guardians

I would like to start this week's newsletter with a big "thank you" to Prep 5 pupils, parents, Mrs Heron and Mrs Scott for the roaring success of the Macmillan Coffee Afternoon! Over £350 was raised last Friday afternoon for such an incredibly worthwhile cause.

On the topic of charities, our individual houses decided upon charities of their choice this week. Oaks voted for Aquabox, which is a local charity based in Wirksworth. The box is a filter which can clean water, and they are sent to countries that need emergency aid along with a box full of supplies too. Beeches are supporting the Air Ambulance. Cedars are supporting The Little Princess Trust, which supports young people with cancer. We are so fortunate to have such caring and kind pupils and parents.

In addition, last week’s Own Clothes Day raised £168 which will go to one of our chosen charities.

House Credits

Pupils have been eagerly awaiting Credit totals this week. So, they are as follows:-


  • Oaks               404
  • Beeches        380
  • Cedars           402

Open Morning

Tomorrow is our first Open Morning of the academic year and we are opening our doors to well over 100 new families to Denstone College and The Prep. There is still space for additional visitors so if you have friends or family who would like to make the most of this opportunity, please do point them to our website to register. Additionally, our key dates for assessment for entry into 2023 will soon be upon us and registration for siblings is essential.

Reminder for Open Morning

Prep 5 will be acting as guides in the Prep from 1030-1200. Reception, Prep 1, 2, 3 and 4 need to be present from 1100-1200 please. Everyone needs to wear smart school uniform. Prep 4 will be having an outdoor lesson, so please leave wellies, waterproofs in school on Friday. Please note that Pre-Prep need to wear their normal school uniform for Open Morning, not shirt and tie.

Parent's Evening - Tues 11 October 4 - 7pm

We're pleased that we are now able to resume face-to-face Parents' Evening meetings and our first Parents' Evening will take place on Tuesday 11 October.  The meetings will have a pastoral focus and you will have an opportunity to meet your child's Form Tutor.  Appointments for all year groups, which will take place in the Drill Hall, can be booked with Form Tutors from 4pm to 7pm.    Please see the document on the Parent Portal which provides details of how to book appointments.


Please note that boarders need to bring in a spare swimming kit (doesn't have to be a school one) and a pair of trainers when boarding.

Pre-Prep trip to Pumpkin Corner - Friday 7 October

Pre-Prep will be picking pumpkins for our Harvest themed assembly.

Food Bank Donation

As it is Harvest season, Reverend Darren would like to ask us to support our local Foodbank and the YMCA. Contributions should be bought in on Monday 10 October. More information can be found on the letter via the Parent Portal.

First Form Entry Process for all current Prep 6 pupils

The new software is now launched and you will receive an email containing information on how to create a Parent Account. Please complete the application details, as well as the Entrance Assessment section, including any scholarships that are relevant.  The Entrance Information booklet will be attached to your email but is also available in the Applicaa Parent Account.

As Prep 6 are already members of Denstone it is not necessary to pay the Registration Fee.

If you have any questions, please contact us on [email protected]


We have had an extremely busy week of fixtures and have ordered 198 match teas for next week alone! There are fixtures for Prep 5/6 on Tuesday where there is a recent change to the information on Socs and we are now playing Lichfield and Yarlet in a triangular. Please check the fixture on Socs to see which pitch your child will be located on. We have tournaments at Terra Nova for Prep 6 in football and hockey on Wednesday. We will host Lichfield for Prep 3/4 fixtures on Friday. Every child in Main Prep, who is available, will be involved in fixtures next week which is absolutely fantastic! 

ISC Survey

The Independent School Council have recently launched a parental survey to help them understand the sector more widely. If you have 15 minutes spare, please do click the following link to help them generate meaningful data. Please note that information shared on this platform is not shared with the College specifically. If you wish to participate, please do click here:

Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Pre-Prep Harvest Festival
  • Foodbank Donation Letter
  • Parents Evening – Instruction of how to book an appointment on School Cloud

Finally, a gentle reminder to parents, that pupils need a full set of waterproofs and wellingtons for playtimes, they do go out in any weather!

Best wishes

Tracey Davies



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