The Prep Newsletter - 12-05-2023
The Prep at Denstone College News


Dear Prep Parents and Guardians,

We hope this newsletter finds you well. It has been an exciting week at The Prep as our students have immersed themselves in a range of outdoor activities, embracing our theme of the week: physical health and well-being. Here are some highlights from the week:

Reception and Prep 1: Churnet Valley Railway Walk - Exploring Heritage for Denstone College's 150th Birthday Party. Our youngest adventurers from Reception and Prep 1 had the privilege of embarking on a delightful walk along the Churnet Valley Railway. As part of their exploration, they learned about the rich heritage and history of this iconic railway, which has played a significant role in connecting communities over the years. This walk was particularly special as it contributed to our pupils' work on Heritage, in preparation for Denstone College's 150th birthday party. Through engaging activities and discussions, our young learners discovered fascinating facts about the railway's origins, the steam engines that once travelled its tracks, and the stories of those who contributed to its development. This experience deepened their understanding of the historical significance of the Churnet Valley Railway and its connection to Denstone College's proud past.

Prep 2: Dovedale Expedition with Main Prep. The energetic Prep 2 students joined their peers from Main Prep for an exhilarating expedition to Dovedale. Together with our wonderful staff, they embarked on a breath-taking walk, marvelling at the magnificent limestone ravines, stepping stones, and stunning natural beauty of the area. It is always a highlight of the year and a fantastic opportunity for our young learners to connect with nature and appreciate the wonders of our world.

Prep 3: Overnight Adventure at Ilam Hall. Prep 3 students had an unforgettable overnight experience at the historic Ilam Hall. Surrounded by the tranquillity of the Peak District, they engaged in team-building activities, enjoyed tree climbing, and developed team building skills while making lasting memories with their classmates and teachers.

Prep 4: Extended Stay at Ilam Hall. Building on the experiences of Prep 3, our Prep 4 pupils embarked on an extended stay at Ilam Hall, deepening their connection with nature and developing their independence. They participated in a range of outdoor pursuits, fostering independence and a sense of accomplishment.

Prep 5: Exploring Cromford. Prep 5 students embraced the historical charm of Willersley Castle during their stay. With its rich industrial heritage and picturesque surroundings, Cromford provided the perfect backdrop for their adventures. Our young historians explored the area, learning about the legacy of the Industrial Revolution, while engaging in physical activities that promoted their well-being.

Prep 6: A Memorable Week at Whitehall in Buxton. Prep 6 students had an action-packed week at Whitehall in Buxton, immersing themselves in a range of challenging activities that tested their physical and mental resilience. From rock climbing and abseiling to team-building exercises, they pushed themselves beyond their comfort zones, developing essential life skills and creating bonds that will last a lifetime.

As Head of the Prep, I must pass on my utmost pride and admiration for the exceptional behaviour and conduct displayed by all of our prep children during our recent residentials. Their impeccable manners and kindness towards others have not gone unnoticed, as several members of the public have taken the time to acknowledge and commend their

remarkable behaviour. I would like to extend my gratitude to you, the parents, for your continued efforts in teaching and reinforcing these values at home. It is through your guidance and example that our children have developed such admirable qualities.

We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers and staff who made this week of outdoor activities and residentials a resounding success. An extra special thanks to Mrs Emmerson Friend, for overseeing all the residentials. Her dedication and commitment to our pupil's growth and happiness is truly commendable.


We have a busy couple of weeks of fixtures before half term. One of which involves an early morning fixture at Derby High for Prep 3&4 on 23 May. Details of this will be emailed to parents next week. The senior College have very strong links with Leicester Tigers and I'm delighted to announce that the Prep is also developing this relationship. On the morning of Wednesday 7 June, all of the girls and boys in Prep 5 and 6 will have some coaching sessions in touch rugby. Tigers will be sending a group of coaches to Denstone. Also, on 19 June, Mr Bettaney will be taking 12 pupils from Prep 5 and 6 to Mattioli Woods Welford Road as part of the Leicester Tigers+ Summer Series. It will be an amazing opportunity to play on the same field as the Leicester Tigers.

Informal Photographs

On Thursday 18 May we will be welcoming back Alethea Simpson to take informal photographs of the children in the Prep Grounds, both individual and sibling groups. We will also get a group shot of our Prep 6 leavers. It is an excellent opportunity to capture precious moments of your child's journey at the Prep. Please ensure your child comes to school in smart uniform with blazer and tie.

School Uniform

The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed the slow launch of our new School Uniform. Please note that the full release of this and all necessary information will be available next week, including the unveiling of the uniform to our pupils. Of significance however, is that the new uniform will be for new pupils only (unless current pupils wish to change) with a full roll-out taking place in September 2024 to ensure costs are kept to a minimum.

Further details, including a full roll-out of a new sportswear (in full circulation by September 2025) will also be released next week and instructions on how and when to purchase will be explained at this time. We have been delighted with the initial response to our new designs – providing sustainable clothing which represents the identity of the College as well as celebrating our heritage at this important 150th anniversary juncture.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely,

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