The Lower School Experience

The unique, action packed experience of Lower School at Denstone simply cannot be beaten. Starting in First or Second form (Year 7 and 8) is a huge benefit to Denstone students, who learn from the outset the skill of balancing those all important academics with the thrill and camaraderie of sport, the spark of creativity, the passion for discovery and debate that characterises Denstonians. In First and Second form students enjoy a carousel of thrilling activities, expanding their skill sets and throwing them into new groups and scenarios to prepare them for life. In addition, they can choose to participate in extra clubs and societies such as Food for Thought, multiple music ensembles and choirs, school plays, extra sports clubs, martial arts, debating and the school magazine. 

In third form Denstone students have the opportunity to choose GCSE options, attending an options fair in Michaelmas and speaking to key staff about their choices. They have the option of starting bronze D of E; an incredibly popular pastime, often leading students to complete the award during their time at the college, which is a superb addition to their CV. Third formers often shine in starring roles in the Lower School musical to packed audiences, which also prepares them well for involvement in the longer middle-senior performance at the College. In third form academic studies gear up towards the skills needed for GCSE and students can demonstrate their skills in a variety of the core college sports in preparation for the high standards of middle and senior terms. In Summer term they enjoy an introduction to CCF to see if this popular activity is for them in middle school.  

All lower school enjoy outward bounds team building days out, involving such things as high ropes, abseiling, caving and climbing.  

Through these they develop and discover creative skills, cultural capital, physical dexterity, extra sporting skills, scientific know-how and more. Additionally, they are expertly trained in core sports, gaining invaluable experience of fixtures and tournaments, as they learn where their strengths and passions lie. These experiences foster friendships like no others through shared experiences, wins and losses, laughter and tears. Learning these core sports also helps them to understand their own sporting preferences and settle into the shape of the day, where rigorous academic practice is regularly followed by a play, a match or a social outing to let off steam. 

In Lower School we set out the core values of a Denstonian, including behaviour for learning, kindness, empathy, grit and ambition. Our pastoral program is second to none, with regular tutor contact, weekly well-being lessons, chapel, assemblies and access to a health and wellbeing centre with trained safeguarding staff and counsellors to support them in all aspects of life. Our Learning Support Team are on hand to help lower school students with extra support lessons and IEPs to ensure that our outstanding academic provision meets the needs of all our students. 

First joining Lower School was scary, but everybody was very friendly - students and teachers. There were many sports and activities as well as academics to get involved with. In many lessons, especially wellbeing, the teachers prepared us for GCSEs and helped with choosing options. My favourite part of Lower School were the plays which many people take part in. – Current 4th Form Pupil 

Being at Denstone in Lower School means that we can assess learners for any individual learning needs ahead of their GCSE examinations and ensure that the support measures are in place in plenty of time before those all-important examinations. Being a part of the House system from Lower School years ensures a healthy feeling of belonging and family, which characterises Denstone Lower School life. Our students get used to friendly house competitions in sport and culture, which feed into their house pride and aspiration from a young age.  

Our Lower School students enjoy a healthy, balanced diet in our wonderful dining hall, featuring great food, themed days and a variety of cultural dishes. Combined with our busy days and regular sessions of physical exercises, with access to fantastic sporting facilities including our own pool, our Lower School students are healthy, resilient and active children, creating a wonderful template for later life. ‘As a Denstone parent, I choose to send my children to prep and to Denstone from first form onwards, as I highly value the sense of well-roundedness, academic confidence and physical health that the environment provides. 

I have seen a huge difference in my children since bringing them to Denstone.’ This is characteristic of the comments we hear regularly from parents who make the decision to start their children in Lower School. 

Mrs K Philips

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