The Prep Newsletter 12-01-2024
Newsletter - The Prep

Lent Term Week 1 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents,

As we embark on the start of the Lent term, it is warming to see the enthusiasm and joy with which our pupils return to school each morning. Their happiness is a testament to the positive atmosphere we aim to cultivate at our Prep.  The upcoming term promises to be a busy one, filled with a multitude of activities, events, and educational opportunities. We have carefully planned a range of experiences that will not only enrich your child's academic journey but also contribute to their personal growth and development.

Please be aware that we are monitoring the weather conditions closely. The long-term forecast (admittedly hard to guarantee accurately at this stage) is predicting some significant snowfall in the coming weeks. As ever, we will do our best to keep operating at all times but only when safe to do so. Education provision will be guaranteed throughout, but this may come in different forms as conditions allow.

Can we remind parents to be very careful as they approach the bottom of our drive coming into school. There are, at times, pedestrians on the road and with no pavements on the last stretch of College Road, you need to approach with caution, especially on the bend as you turn on to the drive. This is a 20mph speed limit that then reduces to 10mph.

To ensure you're always up to date with our school's schedule, I encourage you to regularly check the Denstone College calendar. This valuable resource will provide you with a comprehensive overview of important dates, upcoming events, and any changes or additions that may occur throughout the term.

Main Prep Swimming Galas

  • Prep 3&4, Monday 22 January from 1400.
  • Prep 5&6, Monday 5 February from 1400.

Parents are welcome to spectate.

Parents’ Evenings

Please be reminded that parents’ evenings are calendared to take place on Thursday 21 March from 1600.


Looking ahead, please find below the dates and locations for this year’s Main Prep Residentials. 

  • Prep 6, Whitehall (11-14 June)
  • Prep 5, Willersley Castle (12-14 June)
  • Prep 4, Ilam Hall (12-14 June)
  • Prep 3, Ilam Hall (12-13 June)

Further details will follow in due course.

Pre-Prep Notices

Pre-Prep swimming has temporarily changed to a Tuesday morning for the next five weeks.  After February half term, Pre-Prep will swim on a Tuesday afternoon. 

Pre-Prep would like to say a huge 'Thank You' to the PTFA for the new playground equipment.

The children have been really excited to use their new climbing frame, monkey bars, mud kitchen utensils and equipment for making obstacle courses - hours of fun!  Thank you for your time and fund-raising events to make this possible.

Happy New Year from Prep music!

We have some exciting concerts planned for the busy term ahead.

First, there are two Teatime Concerts beginning at 1615 with a new venue of the Prep Assembly Hall. Refreshments will be served from 1600 in the main entrance. (More details about after school care pickup will be mentioned nearer the time). The first concert is on Tuesday 6 February for Reception to Prep 3 and the second is on Tuesday 12 March for Prep 4 to Prep 6.

We also have a joint whole Prep (Pre-Prep will be involved as well) and Senior School music concert on Thursday 29 February in the Drill Hall starting at 1900. Children involved in the concert will be offered after school care and supper. This concert will last for around one hour and younger performers may leave early.

Drama Workshop

Mrs Beetham, our wonderful Drama and Lamda teacher, is organising a fun filled day on Tues 20 Feb at the Prep. It will be a day of creative learning using nature as our inspiration! Using books, poetry and song we will bring the natural world to life with readily adaptable drama through which our own ideas and imaginations can grow and flourish. There will be games and role play alongside opportunities for devising and public speaking. Please bring a packed lunch, water bottle and outdoor shoes/coat. Places are limited, cost is £40pp with 10% friend/sibling discount. Please contact Mrs Beetham [email protected] for further details and enrolment.

International Showcase Evening

The College International Showcase Evening was an annual event for several years; it was a real feature of the calendar, being a joyous way to celebrate the international representation within our community, to learn about our world and our own place in it. However, for a number of reasons, including Covid, it has been on a break; until now.  Our International Showcase Evening will take place in the School Room at 1900 on Monday 22 January with a variety of stands showcasing information, sights, food and hopefully music from various countries. I do hope you can join us – if any parents would also like to run a stall please contact Mr Horan.

Curriculum Maps

Please note that Curriculum maps will be available on the Parent Portal later today.

We firmly believe in the power of open communication and collaboration between our school and our parents. Your involvement and engagement are vital in creating a supportive and nurturing environment for our pupils. If you ever have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We value your feedback and are here to assist in any way we can.

Here's to a successful and rewarding Lent term ahead.

Best wishes

The following attachments can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Curriculum Maps
  • Nature Drama Workshop
  • International Showcase Invitation
  • International Showcase Poster


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