Denstone College Newsletter - 07-10-2022
Head's Newsletter

7 October 2022


Newsletter from the Head – Week 5


Dear Parents and Guardians

This week I have spent much time at the HMC Conference in Edinburgh working with fellow Heads to imagine what the future can hold for education and young people. Amongst the political debate, shared experiences and pedagogical discussions, I was able to reflect upon what a fantastic place Denstone College really is. Your children continue to make this a campus filled with love, laughter and a genuine sense of purpose and I am incredibly proud. Half Term will soon be upon us and a much-needed rest for all is right around the corner. Until that point, I look forward to another week of hard work, successes and time spent with your children. 

Kenya Trip Launch

Thank you to all those that attended the Kenya Trip launch on Monday evening. For those of you who would like more information or who couldn’t make it on the night but would like to see the presentation, please contact [email protected]

House Music

This year’s House Music event is taking place on Thursday 13 October, at 7.00pm in the Chapel. This is always a well-attended and exciting event, and parents are very welcome to come and watch our six Houses compete within instrumental and vocal categories.

Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • LAMDA Provision
  • Sportswear Sale Items: 8-14 October 2022
  • Upper Sixth Biology in Action Trip

With very best wishes - and I look forward to seeing you on the touchline this weekend. 

Kind regards




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