Denstone College Newsletter - 03-03-2023
Head's Newsletter

3 March 2023

Newsletter from the Head – Week 8

Dear Parents and Guardians

Welcome back to the new term and thank you for your continued support. Although I have been away from the College at various events and conferences, I am delighted to hear such positive reports of a busy and successful week. This particular period will disappear in a flash and Easter will soon be upon us and I will be speaking to your sons and daughters about making the most of every opportunity every day. 

Photographs and Ordering

We have been asked to remind parents that they can access and order the recent House and Group Photographs online, using the information on the proof cards handed out to pupils. If any pupils have lost the relevant information, please contact the College and the information can be reissued.

Third Form Vaccination Programme

The Immunisation Team will be at Denstone on Monday 13 March to administer second doses of the HPV vaccination as well as the 3 in 1 (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio) and 4 strains of Meningitis vaccination to pupils in Third Form whose parents have given electronic consent.

National Careers Week - Sixth Form

Monday 6 March sees the start of National Careers Week. Unifrog is hosting an online conference on Wednesday afternoon for students interested in hearing from different employers;

In addition, we have signed up to a Creative Careers Week Conference and will show the live webinars on a big screen in the Fellows Library all week. Please take a look at the itinerary and, if any talks are of interest to your children, they can join us in the Fellows Library to hear more. If the students have a lesson at that time, they may ask their teachers if they can attend the talk. The students have also been asked to let Mrs Watson know of any lectures that they plan to join.

Science Week - 10 to 19 March: The theme is 'Connections'

The Science Department will be running a series of activities for the duration of science week from the 10th to the 19th March including the Prep Years 3 and 4 who will be making and testing indicators by connecting with local and national science projects. First Form Scientists will be looking at how we are connected to our oceans, Second Form will be looking at ecosystems with the Third Form creating sparks and connecting circuits. On Monday 13 March there will be a 'live' lesson at 11am on Forces from the BBC hosted in the Science labs for those interested in gaining Denstone Diploma points. We will be visited by local schools, All Saints First School and Alton First School as part of our outreach work on 15 March. There is also a national poster competition for anyone to get involved with as part of the Denstone Diploma. 

Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Dyslexia Association Maths Learning Difficulties Course
  • HPV Vaccination Programme Dose 2 – Third Form
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio and Meningitis Vaccination – Third Form
  • Shrewsbury House Chapel Service

With very best wishes for the week ahead.


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