Denstone College Open Morning

Approaching 300 visitors converged on the College this weekend for the Autumn Open Morning. Tours and presentations were followed by lunch in the Drill Hall and a 1stXV fixture against Sedbergh, the number one school for rugby in the country.       

Saturday saw over 120 prospective pupils and their families travel to the College for the Open Morning.

Families were given tours of the College, with prospective Sixth Formers given a bespoke programme which included mini seminars delivered by Head of UCAS and Careers Mr Andy Wray and the Assistant Head of Teaching & Learning Mr Bradley Duerden.

More than 70 Second, Third and Fourth Formers took the tours which were followed by lunch in the Drill Hall, giving parents and pupils the opportunity to speak individually to Heads of Department.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make yet another successful Open Morning!

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