Remembrance Day service Friday 8 November 2019
Chapel Event

On Friday 8 November, Denstone College pupils, parents and staff took part  in a moving an emotional Remembrance Day service, which took place in the College chapel.

During the service,  the whole school and over one hundred parents and visitors, went outside to the War Memorial and planted crosses in the gathering dusk, while the names of 272 Old Denstonians who fell in the Two World Wars were read by the Captains of School, Oliver Moriarty and  Priya Toor. As the congregation left the chapel they were showered with poppies from the balcony. It was a very atmospheric moment in the Service.

The Service was led by the Woodard Schools Provost, Father Brendan Clover.  The Vice Captains of School, Sebastian Camp and Josie Stevenson, read an extract from R F Delderfield’s  ‘To Serve Them All my Days’ and the Last Post was played by Roscoe Cooksey and  Charlie Edwards.

This year’s Sermon was given by James Hartley, Second Master, who focused on how, in times of War, Man can show great bravery, self sacrifice and support for others. He encouraged the congregation to display those qualities today and in the future.

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