Denstone College Sixth Form Pupil to Raise Money for Douglas McMillan

Ewan Davis has been studying Martial Arts since the age of 5. He became great friends with his Sensei Chris Fletcher who was a huge part of his life

Unfortunately, Chris passed away in 2016 after losing a very short battle with cancer leaving him little time to say his goodbyes. The Douglas Macmillan Hospice played an important part in his end of life care and they offered practical and emotional support to Chris’ wife, Sharon.

To help raise money, Ewan will be completing a 100 ju-jitsu throw and 100 metre drag challenge which has only been completed by few. After each set of 10 throws he will have to drag himself 10 metres to the next awaiting black belt using only his arms. This will repeat until Ewan has completed 100 throws and a total of 100 metres.

This isn’t a challenge to be taken lightly and Ewan will be following in his mother’s footsteps, Mrs Davies, who teaches Business and Ju-jitsu here at the Colle is the only female to complete the challenge. 

If you would like to see what Ewan will be facing, please follow the link below to see Mrs Davis taking part in her challenge!

If you would like to donate please visit Ewan’s just giving page!

(Ewan pictured with his Head Instructor, Sensai Rich Tunstall)

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