Denstone College Hosts the Midlands 30:30 2019

There were 3 teams in the 30 miles event and they set off between 4.30 and 5am. The 8 teams in the 30km event had a lie in and set off between 8-9am. The first check point is at the top of the Weaver Hills and is a fair starting tab. Those teams with the stronger navigational skills took the short cut through JCB training ground and probably gained 30mins on those who stuck to the road.

The event is supported by competitors and staff from SAS Who Dares Wins and Billy Billington was on hand all day for encouragement and photo opportunities. The winner of the 2019 series, Mark Pleat joined the team from the Gurkhas and ran the course with them.

There are 8 checkpoints for the 30 mile course with the furthest being at Grindon. The 5 check points on the 30km route are relatively difficult to find as some of the footpaths are not well walked. At each check point there were spot weigh-ins to ensure all competitors were carrying the correct weight and were still fit and healthy.

The event medic treated blisters galore and handed out pain relief to a few participants.

The school teams did brilliantly. The 30 mile event was won by our team of dads after 3 years of coming a close 2nd! Mr Hart, Mr Harding and Mr Wilson beat the SAS Who Dares Wins and claimed the trophy. The 30km event was won by Toby Bywater, Dan Makepeace, Chris Miller and Harry Polmear with Mr Lightfoot in 5hrs and 56 minutes, missing the course record by just 12 seconds. Our team of ODs came a close 2nd and both teams were much faster than the team of regular Gurkha soldiers who entered.

The all-female team of Lexie Linnell, Jess Harding, Grace Wheeler, Emily Wagstaff and Jemma Butcher were slow and carried 2 injuries but took away the trophy for fastest women only team.

The other school team consisted of Will McEneny (paint boy), Lewis Klein, Alice Copestick and Amelia Cowie who finished very respectably ahead of 2 adult teams.

Sports masseuses from Cardiff Met university were on hand to rub everyone down and Catering Department had provided cakes and soup for tea and a delicious curry for the presentation meal that evening.

All money raised during the event goes to SSAFA Staffordshire which provides help, support and equipment to ex and serving service men and women and their families. Every penny raised by our pupils goes directly to the people needing it as SSAFA Staffordshire is run entirely by volunteers.

Congratulations to all our teams and for their efforts on the fund raising front too.


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