Denstone College Remembrance Day service

On Friday 4 November, Denstone College pupils, parents and staff took part in a moving and emotional Remembrance Day service, which took place in the College Chapel. 

The service, which was led by Reverend Edge, included readings from school captains, prefects and an exceptional sermon from Deputy Head, Dr David Baker. The Last Post was played effortlessly by Upper Sixth Former, Charlie. 

During the service, the congregation made its way, silently, to the War Memorial and planted crosses while the names of 272 Old Denstonians and Old Smallwoodians who fell in the two World Wars were read by the Captains of School, Charlotte and Nic. As the congregation left the Chapel, they were showered with poppies from the balcony.

An incredibly special and moving service.

Lest we forget.

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