A level results 2020
Examination Results

A level results 2020 – A note from the Headmaster, Miles Norris.

It has been an incredibly unusual time for all, and none more so than for our Upper 6th form students. They have worked diligently throughout their final two years of school only to be denied the opportunity to take examinations this summer. However, today they can look forward to embarking on their next steps into the world beyond Denstone College.

I am so proud of the way that these Denstonians have worked and dealt with challenging circumstances with such stoicism, adaptability, and maturity. They have shown themselves to be able to cope with the various curveballs that life throws their way – no mean feat.

Whilst we are yet to be able to come together to celebrate the natural end to their time at the College and their achievements, over their time here I have watched and applauded their growth and development into confident, positive, and ambitious young people. I wish them every success for the future. They will forever be ODs and of course, we will continue to be available to support and advise them as they start the next chapter of their lives.


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