GCSE results 2020
Examination Results

GCSE results 2020 – A note from the Headmaster, Miles Norris.

I want to say how proud I am of our 5th form pupils as they receive their GCSE grades today. It has been a very challenging time for them. They worked conscientiously towards Mock exams in March, in preparation for their final revision and exams, only to find that the goalposts had shifted in the most dramatic of ways and they would not get to sit the exams that they had planned for in the Summer.

Despite this, they continued to engage positively with online learning, and have also been proactive in signing up for pre-Sixth Form courses. I am very much looking forward to welcoming them back in September, into our Lower 6th. I am sure that the resilience and strength that they have demonstrated in the last 6 months will stand them in good stead as they take their place at the top of the school. I have every confidence that they will continue to develop into outstanding leaders in the school and role models for our younger pupils.

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