Denstone College announces GCSE results
Results Examination

Following hard on the heels of Tuesday's superb A-level results, Denstone College is delighted to congratulate our hard-working GCSE students on their results.  With 81% of grades being Grade 6 or above (and 42% being Grade 8 and above), we are delighted with the dedication that the students have shown over the last two years. 

Charlie Bell, Roscoe Cooksey, Ellie Rowcliffe and Kitty Whirledge all obtained a clean sweep of 10 GCSEs at Grade 9 and a further 8 pupils achieved all grade 8s and 9s.

Ellie’s response to her results ‘I am so shocked – I can’t believe it!  I am very proud!’

Mrs Toor, whose daughter Hema achieved seven GCSEs at Grade 9 and three at Grade 8 had this to say:  ‘We are absolutely happy…an excellent set of results.  Thank you to all the teachers for their efforts and hardwork’.

Outgoing Head, Miles Norris said: 

‘I never fail to be impressed by the dedication that the exam year students have made throughout the last two years.  Congratulations to all of the students in their future studies.’

Miss Lotte Tulloch, the new Head of Denstone College was also quick to congratulate the students:

‘These grades are testament to the commitment and hard work shown by the Denstone College community, and the students should all be justifiably proud.  They have truly set the groundwork for their future at the College.  The last two years have truly shown that Denstone College students follow the key attributes of Achievement, Confidence, and Happiness, which they will carry with them throughout their lives. Additionally, throughout these difficult times the hard work of the dedicated teaching staff in allowing these pupils to truly fulfil their potential could not have been greater.

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