Denstone College Newsletter - 17-02-2023
Head's Newsletter

Newsletter from the Head – Week 6

Dear Parents and Guardians

Half Term is upon us and I write to wish the whole community a much-deserved and restful week ahead. It has been a wonderful start to the Lent Term and this week is needed to refuel, refresh and reset ahead of a busy final four weeks.

There have been many highlights this week but as ever, time spent with your sons and daughters continue to be the highlights; their engagement, enthusiasm and good company makes for a happy and vibrant College.

I urge all pupils and staff to use this week as a real rest and to that end, I ask that email correspondence with the College remains at a minimum and urgent issues be sent to: [email protected]


I ask that all vehicle users of the campus remember to adhere to our speed limits, our one-way system and I ask that engines are switched off when idling. This is a campus full of young people and keeping it as safe and as clean as possible continues to be a priority. If parking against a building (eg. outside the Lodge) we ask that all vehicles are reverse-parked to increase visibility on departure.

Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Upper Sixth Form Parents’ Evening – Reminder
  • Summer Term Bus Service

With very best wishes for the Half Term break.

Kind regards


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