Prep Newsletter - 17-02-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Parents / Guardians

I wish all of our staff and pupils a relaxing break, after another busy half term. This week I’d like to thank Mr Fox for bringing in the fire engine for Pre-Prep, an exciting experience linked to their curriculum on the fire of London.

Thank you also to Mrs Emmerson Friend for carrying out online parent residential information evenings with Main Prep parents. More details to follow on the exciting residentials planned. 

The Form Rep meeting at the start of the week was really useful to see where we can make the Prep experience even better – there is always room for improvement. One aspect requested was more details on the spelling schemes we are now using. We are pleased to report our new spelling schemes are engaging children in their learning. As highlighted earlier this term, Pre-Prep continue to follow the Floppy Phonics scheme, PP2 – P4 follow the Phonics International Scheme and P5 & P6 follow Word Blaze. These schemes complement each other and ensure consistency of approach & progression across the Prep school. Teaching of spellings is far more multi-sensory, which provides greater opportunities for the spelling patterns/rules to be successfully filed in the long-term memory. Spelling sessions take place in school a minimum of 3 times a week and lessons focus on spelling patterns/sounds/rules, on spellings in context and also on arming children with different strategies for breaking down and attacking words. We want children to develop a greater understanding of how words are built up/work, rather than being reliant on rote learning of spellings lists. Statutory spellings are also tackled. Classes may be set homework activities linked to the spelling sound/pattern/rule/strategy of the week, but they will not bring home lists of spellings to learn by rote for a test, as this has limited benefit in gauging whether spellings are truly in the long-term memory and can be applied in writing. As well as following the spelling schemes, teachers across all curriculum subjects are having a real push on accurate spellings in their subject, particularly of technical subject specific words and high frequency words.

After half term we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 2 March, with our visiting author Alex Foulkes.  There is still time to purchase one of Alex’s books and I attach last week’s letter containing the online link.  It promises to be a fantastic day and of course pupils are welcome to come dressed up as their favourite book character that day. 

Pupil Eco-Committee News - The Eco Committee meet twice a term. Our aim is to consider our environment on a local and global scale, and make positive change wherever possible. Last week we were joined by Mrs Stanley and Mrs Turner, they helped us get going with our first recycling initiative. The Prep are going to recycle all their scrap paper, with each classroom getting a recycling box and the central recycling collection box now located in our entrance hall. This week we launched a design competition for the central collection box, the winner’s design will be painted onto it. Entries to Mrs Cowley after half term. 

On March 11th, Denstone College will be the start/finish and race control for the Midlands 30:30.  This challenge sees teams of four race a 30km course carrying 30lbs each to raise monies in support of DMRC Benevolent Fund and FirstLight Trust.  Here at Denstone Prep we have four eager volunteers ready to accept the challenge; Sister Becker, Miss Eaton, Mrs Emmerson-Friend and Mrs Moriarty.  The Prep children have chosen our team name ‘Denstone Prep Stumbling Squad.’ We have created a fundraising page Denstone Prep Stumbling Squad fundraising for FirstLight Trust on JustGiving should anyone like to support us in our endeavour.

Presentation to Denstone College Prep 6 Parents - Progressing to the First Form (on MS Teams)

(new event)

Monday 20 March (6.15pm-6.45pm)

Please do join the Head and other key members of College staff to talk through the transition process from Prep 6 to First Form. There will be an opportunity for Q&A at this event. The link will be circulated nearer the time, but please do save the date.

Please note a reminder to parents, that our policy on children's hair is that hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back please and hair should not be over the eyes.

Best Wishes,


  • World Book Day - Visiting Author, Alex Foulkes

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