Denstone College Newsletter - Week 10 - 17-03-2023
Head's Newsletter


17 March 2023


Newsletter from the Head – Week 10


Dear Parents and Guardians

A week uninterrupted by inclement weather and a critical time here at the College to continue with the expected routines and rigours.

We are rapidly approaching the Easter Holidays and the remaining days are critical for our exam candidates to ensure they have all they need for a holiday of preparation. The remainder of our pupils will enjoy the remaining days of the term continuing to progress through the curriculum.

I want to use this newsletter to strongly advocate for the opportunities available through our 'Denstone Diploma' Scheme. Please do ask your son or daughter about their engagement and ask them to show you the many and varied activities available to them on Microsoft Teams. An inquisitive mind and interest in the world outside the formal classroom is so important. 

Reminder of Summer Term Arrangements

Please do take this as a polite reminder to look carefully at the arrangements for the start of the Summer Term. We have two consecutive 3-day weekends to observe the National Bank Holidays and as such, our originally planned term dates and exeats have altered slightly

Non-Uniform Day

Please note that Friday 24 March will now be a non-uniform day, having been rescheduled from Friday 10 March.


Please could parents refrain from parking directly in front of the Lodge for any length of time when dropping off or collecting children, as this can cause a gridlock.  Please instead make use of the other parking and pick-up areas around the campus.

With very best wishes for the weekend ahead.

Kind regards


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