The Prep Newsletter 17-03-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Parents / Guardians

Another busy week at the Prep. Congratulations are due to Cedars for winning the Prep 5&6 Swimming Gala, which was an inclusive event with all abilities celebrated.

Hopefully, all parents have received details of afterschool clubs for the Summer Term. Thank you to Mrs Heron for such a varied list of activities. As you will see we are using a new system for booking clubs, if you have not received details please let us know as soon as possible so that we can rectify this.

Lent Term Reports

Reports will be published on the ISAMS Parent Portal on Monday 20 March at 1700.

Lent Term Academic Parents' Evening - Wednesday 22 March from 1600. Thank you to those who have already booked appointments. Appointments can still be booked at and will take place face-to-face in the Drill Hall.

Next week, we have House Music, on Thursday 23 March. All parents are invited, please wait to be collected from the Lodge at 14:40.

You are warmly invited to join us for our end of term Assembly on Friday 24 March in the Drill Hall. Refreshments will be available from 0830 and the Assembly will start at 0910. To help with catering, I would appreciate it if you will complete the online form if you would like to attend.

Friday is also home clothes day, in aid of Air Ambulance, Beeches chosen charity. Pupils are encouraged to wear something red for a £2 donation please. Today the children have dressed in spots and we have raised £170 for Red Nose day, thank you for your support.

As you will be aware our Prep 5&6 PSHE workshops last week were disrupted due to the snow closure, these will now take place on Monday 24 April. Attached is a letter for Prep 6 parents with regard to the PSHE Curriculum.

School Uniform

Information regarding Uniform Provision for September 2023 will be communicated at the start of the Summer Term. 

In the Prep, we work hard to model kind behaviour to our pupils. As the Head of the Prep, I have an open-door policy to all pupils, staff and parents. If you do have any concerns, please could I ask that you are polite to all members of staff, who work extremely hard to ensure that any concerns are dealt with as soon as possible.

Please note that there are no clubs next week, prep will continue as usual. On Friday there will be no prep and children should be collected at 1545, with the exception of those children on coaches which will leave early at 1630.

Attachments • Prep 6 PSHE Curriculum Letter


Kind regards

Tracey Davies

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