Denstone College Newsletter - 24-03-2023
Head's Newsletter

24 March 2023

Newsletter from the Head – Week 11

Dear Parents and Guardians

As the Lent Term draws to a close, I wish you and your families a most restful and restorative period. It has been a short but impactful term and so much of the good work is documented in other venues that I shall not repeat it here. Suffice to say, I am one incredibly proud Head!

I will write again in the middle of the holidays, but until that time may I wish all of our families a wonderful (revision-filled where necessary) Easter Break.

End of Term Reports

End of term reports, grades and comments will be available on the Parent Portal for viewing from Monday 27 March. These can be found by logging into your usual Parent Portal account and clicking on your child’s name followed by ‘school reports.’


Online Calendar

The College calendar for the Summer Term 2023 will be published online, as usual, over the course of the next few days. Do please keep an eye on the online calendar over the course of the whole term, as alteration and additions will be posted to the online calendar, as and when necessary. This is especially true in the case of sporting fixtures.


Parent and Pupil Surveys

We would be very grateful if you could complete the following parent and pupil surveys produced by Talk Education. These provide a really useful review of Denstone, helping prospective parents understand if a Denstone education is the correct one for them. Thank you in advance.

Click here for the Parent Survey             Click here for the Pupil Survey



The Careers department has compiled a list of the best in-person and virtual work experience opportunities, online webinars, subject specific open days and taster events currently available. Click here to browse the booklet to find out more about a wide variety of careers.

If you would like any further help or advice, please contact [email protected]


Online Safety

Karl Hopwood spoke to all pupils in the College last week, delivering incredibly informative and relevant sessions on online safety. If you were unable to attend the Parents’ Session last Thursday evening, please click here for a recording of Karl's session.


Lower School Production

The Lower School production of Beauty and the Beast will take place next half term. Please can parents discuss with their children any costume requirements, which have been added to the Beauty and the Beast team page. Please do email Mrs Phillips at [email protected] to enquire if there are any questions around these. Please also take a moment to look at the rehearsal and performance schedule with the students in the files section of the Team page. Tickets will be made available for booking next half term. Students have been asked to learn their lines, songs and dance moves over the Easter break. They all have scripts. Rehearsal tracks and dance videos are available on the team page. Any encouragement to do this from parents would be most welcome! 


Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Fifth Form GCSE Revision and Study Leave


Kind regards


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