Denstone College Newsletter - 12-05-2023
Head's Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians

Following the remarkable Coronation weekend, it would appear school is finding its rhythm. Our exam candidates are very much at the sharp end of assessment excitement and for those who elect to study from home, we wish them all the very best in their preparation. As ever, school continues apace and our full and varied days keep challenging norms, pushing boundaries and developing children into the young adults we want to see. The calendar for the remainder of this term is packed with events, sports matches, concerts, plays and opportunities for parents to be part of this community; I look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.

School Uniform

The eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed the slow launch of our new School Uniform. Please note that the full release of this and all necessary information will be available next week – including the unveiling of the uniform to our pupils. Of significance however, is that the new uniform will be for new pupils only (unless current pupils wish to change) with a full roll-out taking place in September 2024 to ensure costs are kept to a minimum.

Further details, including a full roll out of a new sportswear (in full circulation by September 2025) will also be released next week and instructions on how and when to purchase will be explained at this time. We have been delighted with the initial response to our new designs – providing sustainable clothing which represents the identity of the College as well as celebrating our heritage at this important 150th anniversary juncture.

Co-Curricular Life at Denstone College

We are blessed to offer a vibrant and dynamic array of co-curricular opportunities here at Denstone College. Our pupils are afforded the opportunity to try so many new and meaningful activities and their engagement continues to astound me. With such a busy school life, there will always be times where pupils may have to prioritise certain activities over others. The purpose of this message however, is to seek parental support in ensuring your child honours long-standing commitments to certain activities to allow progression to be seen by all children. We recognise that many of our children are incredibly busy and pulled in many directions so if you have any concern about the balance of your child’s commitments, please do not hesitate to get in touch with their tutor.

Current Fifth Form - A Level Subject Options

Fifth Form students should be aware that, with a good number of new entrants now confirmed as joining our Sixth Form in September, some subjects and teaching groups are now at full capacity. We will continue to accommodate requested A Level subject changes where it is possible to do so before the start of next term and, where requested courses aren’t immediately available, will be running waiting lists for our most popular subjects.

Lower Sixth UCAS Guide 2024

Parents will have the opportunity to discuss the UCAS Guide, which can be found on the Parent Portal, with Mr R Lightfoot and Mrs K Watson at the Lower Sixth Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 20 June.

Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

· Lower School Play ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Invitation

· Lower Sixth UCAS Guide 2024

· Student Loan Applications – Upper Sixth Form

· Heywood House Family Summer Social

With kindest regards,


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