Denstone College Newsletter - 16-06-2023
Head's Newsletter

16 June 2023

Newsletter from the Head – Week 9

Dear Parents and Guardians

With just three weeks left of this term, the rhythm of Denstone life progresses. Your sons and daughters continue to astound me with their resilience and commitment to achieving so much throughout their days. Our exam candidates are nearly finished and the longer summer holidays and anticipation of results days awaits. The remainder of the school have also been sitting assessments and their application and approach to examinations remains impressive. And yet school is so much more than assessment and we enter an extraordinarily busy time of fixtures, sports days, concerts, showcases, house events and so much more.


Road Closure

Staffordshire Council have alerted us to the closure of the top of College Road on Monday 19 June from 09:30 for a few hours. Please avoid arriving or departing the College at this time; access will be for emergency vehicles only. We recognise the inconvenience this may cause but wish to work with the Council to allow them time to complete this necessary maintenance.


Summer Weather

For the remainder of this term, we are expecting hot weather. To that end, I write to clarify the regulations in place at the moment.

  • Pupils must travel to school in full school uniform.
  • After registration, they may remove ties, blazers and jumpers for the rest of the day providing shirts remain tucked-in.
  • Short-sleeved shirts are permitted.

Please ensure your child comes equipped with a water bottle and sun-cream every day.


Non-Uniform Day

Our next non-uniform day in next Friday, June 23rd; these days play an important role in raising funds for charity and are well supported by all students and staff. Irrespective of the weather on this day, we ask that children dress appropriately for the occasion. Heads of Houses will remind children of the requirements but we ask for your support in enforcing this at home.


Lower Sixth Form Parents’ Evening

Please be reminded that the Lower Sixth Form Parents’ Evening is on Tuesday 20 June. The letter is located on the Parent Portal.


Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting


  • Lower Sixth Form Parents’ Evening - Reminder
  • Parents, Old Denstonians, Pupils & Staff Tennis Tournament (POPS)
  • Speeches and Prizegiving 2023
  • Upper Sixth Form Leavers’ Service 2023


Kind regards


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