The Prep at Denstone College Newsletter - 16-06-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Prep Parents and Guardians,

It has been a busy week at Denstone Prep, with a mix of challenges and delightful moments. We began the week with unexpected floods, but our dedicated staff ensured the safety of everyone. Fortunately, the rest of the week brought lots of sunshine, and our students embraced the brighter weather with enthusiasm. Academically, our students have continued to impress us, displaying a passion for learning and growth. They have also excelled in musical and sporting activities, showcasing their talents.

Ice-Cream Friday

The PTFA are planning to make the most of the current good weather with another IceCream Friday next week on Friday 23 June at 3.45pm. As it is an exeat weekend, there will be no Friday clubs, but children staying in Prep will be given the opportunity to purchase an ice-cream. Please send your child into school with £1 if you wish them to do so.

Nearly New Uniform Shop

The PTFA are intending to continue to run the nearly new shop for uniform. If anyone is looking to top up on existing uniform before stock reduces further at John Lewis, we would ask that you contact either Lydia Burton ([email protected]) or Claire Barker ([email protected]) before the end of term. We will also be opening the shop for a morning during the summer holiday on Monday 31 July 10-12am. We are still keen to collect donations of old uniform and these can be passed to Lydia, Claire or left in bags with Helen Heron in the Prep reception. Our stock is running lower for larger sizes of uniform / sports kit, so if any leaving Prep 6 pupils have donations that can be made before the summer holidays, we would be very grateful.

Friday 23 June will be own clothes day for Beeches chosen charity, Air Ambulance. Your child is encouraged to come to school in sportswear for a small donation of your choice.

We have an exciting line-up of upcoming events and initiatives, so please stay updated with our school calendar. Speech Day this year will take place on Friday 7 July at 11.15 am. Everyone is welcome please see the Parent Portal for your invitation.

Thank you for your continued support.

Warm regards,

Please see the Parent Portal for the following attachments

• Parents’ Invitation to Speech Day

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