Denstone College Newsletter - 08-09-2023
Head's Newsletter

8 September 2023


Newsletter from the Head – Week 1

Dear Parents and Guardians

As the first week draws to a close, I reflect on a most remarkable transition to the start of a new school year. Our pupils are going about their lives with purposefulness, positivity and pride in their environment. The start of term, for both new and returning pupils, can be a daunting one and yet our pupils have looked after one another, offered reassurance where necessary and shown what a remarkable community this can be. It has been a genuine joy to hear the laughter, see the smiles on their faces and watch new friendships forming. They have tackled new activities, new teachers, new subjects – and a new mealtime regime with a very positive attitude and I am incredibly proud of them.


It has also been a difficult start to the year in other ways and our thoughts and prayers are offered to the family of the motorcyclist who was tragically killed in an accident with one of our school coaches on Monday. In the face of such difficulty, our children were a credit to themselves and one another and their actions and words have meant so much to so many; we continue to offer support to those involved in this situation.

The purpose of this newsletter, along with all Friday communications is not just a reflection on the week but also a significant point of school administration. We ask that all parents take careful note of the contents and any subsequent action. If you have any questions at all relating to any element of this newsletter, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s tutor or Head of House.

Traffic Management on Site

Please may all parents note that the speed limit on campus is a strictly enforced 10mph. Children have pavements and crossings to use, but we ask that all drivers are mindful of the age of our children and ask that caution is taken at all times. We operate a one-way system and ask that all parents adhere to this. At times, we have permitted vehicles who are given explicit permission to not use the one-way system (due to vehicle size) and we ask that you recognise these exceptions as permitted by the College. It can become very congested and we ask for patience and an adherence to staff who are working hard to direct traffic from all our road users.

Health & Wellbeing Centre

Over the summer holidays, our Medical Centre has been renamed the Health & Wellbeing Centre. As well as medical support being provided as last academic year, we now have a Sensory Room upstairs and Mr Farman is also based in the Centre providing one-on-one emotional support for pupils. Pupils have access to our counselling service, which remains in the Centre as before.

The key personnel in the Health & Wellbeing Centre are as follows:

  • Michelle Edge, Lead Nurse
  • Gill Lear, Nurse
  • Jane Rushton, Nurse
  • Chris Farman, Assistant Head (Partnerships & Wellbeing)
  • Mahwish Qamar, Counsellor
  • Roberta Rees, Health & Wellbeing Administrator
  • Nancy Kucharik, Health & Wellbeing Administrator

If you need to make contact for medical reasons, you can do so using [email protected] and for wellbeing reasons, you can make contact using [email protected]


Evolve Trips Reminder

Can we ask all parents to please complete the necessary forms that are needed for their son/daughter’s year group trips. All First, Second, and Sixth Form pupils have upcoming trips in the next two weeks and parents will have received communications from staff via Evolve concerning the relevant event. We wouldn’t want any pupil missing out and thank you in advance for your assistance.

We would urge all parents or guardians to download the myEVOLVE App which is available for free on iOS or Android devices. You use the same login details that you would have created when registering with the myEVOLVE website if you have signed your child up for any trip. The App is a very convenient and simple way to book an event or trip, make payment and sign consent forms from the convenience of your phone or device.

Denstone Netball Club

Our Netball Performance Coach, Ms Mountford, will be running a Netball Club on Saturday mornings before school. The sessions will take place in the Sports Hall from 8.15am - 9.15am, and pupils will be able to remain in tracksuits when lessons begin at 9.30am. The sessions are aimed at First and Second Form pupils, although we can include some older pupils to participate and help out if they wish to do so. The netball club will begin in Week 2 (Saturday 16 September) and then run on all Saturdays when we have school for the Michaelmas and Lent terms.

School Transport

We politely remind all parents that if they wish to use the school transport then it is essential they make this known by emailing: [email protected].  We were faced with an issue this week where a bus did not have enough seats due to some families assuming their child could use the service. Where we have space, we will always be happy to accommodate extra passengers – even on an ad hoc basis – but this must be checked in advance.

Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting    

  • The Denstonian Magazine
  • Climbing Club
  • First, Third and Fourth Form Mathematics
  • Music Lessons and Ensemble Information
  • Lower School Rugby Morning – Saturday 9 September
  • Meynell House Chapel Service

With kindest regards



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