Prep Newsletter - 08-09-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Head of Prep Update – Week 1

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we conclude the first week, it’s wonderful to witness the pupils settling in, supporting each other, and embracing new friendships and experiences with enthusiasm. Their positive approach towards new classrooms, subjects and teachers is indeed commendable.

Happiness and Wellbeing are at the core of everything we do at The Prep. At the very start of the year, we would like to invest some time into the pastoral needs of each class. An activity away day will allow the year group team to reconnect after the summer, allow existing members to become reacquainted with each other and ensure new pupils have opportunity to bond with their new peer group and Form Tutors.  We have booked to take Prep 4, 5 & 6 next week to Tittesworth water sports centre, Wed/Thurs/Fri respectively. Please look out for a booking invitation from Evolve that will allow you to book on/give consent and pay for this trip. 

We would urge all parents or guardians to download the myEVOLVE App which is available for free on iOS or Android devices. You use the same login details that you would have created when registering with the myEVOLVE website if you have signed your child up for any trip. The App is a very convenient and simple way to book an event or trip, make payment and sign consent forms from the convenience of your phone or device.

School Transport

We politely remind all parents that if they wish to use the school transport then it is essential they make this known by emailing: [email protected].  We were faced with an issue this week where a bus did not have enough seats due to some families assuming their child could use the service. Where we have space, we will always be happy to accommodate extra passengers – even on an ad hoc basis – but this must be checked in advance.

Traffic Management on Site 

To ensure everyone's safety, we have a strict 10 mph speed limit on campus. Please make a note of the one-way system that helps to smooth traffic flow, with exceptions granted only for specific large vehicles with prior permission from the College. Your attention to this matter and patience during peak hours will facilitate a safe and efficient environment for all.  If you are parking against a school building, for the example the Prep building, please could you reverse park so that your first move when leaving is forwards, to help us keep the children and other pedestrians safe.

Looking forward we have more exciting events lined up:

Prep Meet and Greet 18 Sept at 1600-1630. This is a chance for your child to show you their classroom and introduce you to their new teacher. Please note that there will be no afterschool clubs on this afternoon, however, Prep will be available as usual for those children whose parents cannot attend.

Open Morning 30 Sept 1045-1200. We would like pupils from Reception to Prep 5 to attend the Prep in school uniform. If your child is unable to make this event, please email Helen Heron or myself. The Open Morning is largely an external event but if Prep 6 parents and pupils would like to have a look around the College, please do sign up online.

Remember, our Friday newsletters are here to provide you with important updates and reflections from the week. For any queries, do get in touch with either Helen Heron or your child's Form Teacher.


Warm regards,




The following attachments can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Curriculum maps and Timetables for the Michaelmas term (so you can support your child in their learning)
  • Letter about The Denstonian Magazine 
  • My Evolve App details


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