Denstone College OD Reunion
Old Denstonians Event

On Saturday 12th May, Denstone College saw nearly 300 Old Denstonians and guests return for the Reunion for the Leavers from 1997 to 2017

Following coffee in the Drill Hall, the Chairman of Governors, Mr Kevin Threlfall welcomed everyone back to the Chapel for the service which was led by the newly installed College Chaplain, Father Ruben Angelici. The Chapel Choir provided beautiful singing, including the anthem, Open My Heart - Melody by J.S. Bach arr. by Mr Lionel Lethbridge (Director of Music, 1948-1978) for the Denstone College Chapel Choir (Oxford, OUP, 1961). Also to celebrate the occasion of his 100th birthday on 30th April, 2018.

The readings were read by the Captains of School, Sephy Evans & Tom Lukeman.

Lunch followed in the Drill Hall where a children’s corner, including colouring, jigsaws, games, balloons & party food, was manned by both prefects & 4th Form who did a fantastic job entertaining the many children ensuring that their parents could relax and enjoy the chat and the reminiscing as much as possible.

Jack Halliday (Woodard 01-08), former Captain of School, proposed a toast to David & Viv Derbyshire congratulating them on their fantastic achievements over the last 21 years. The Leavers then presented them with an engraved bench for their new garden.

Once again we had the photo wall taking up the entire far end of the Drill Hall with a display board per year full of photos from the relevant Denstonian magazine. This proved extremely popular with several visitors taking their photos home!

We were very lucky with the weather so visitors were able to enjoy the 1st XI v Oakham School cricket match as well as the guided tours around College, including the new facilities - particularly the Derbyshire Building, Threlfall Library and the Tookeys classroom block. The tours were provided by students from all year groups, they did a great job and enjoyed listening to stories of school life from our guests.

The atmosphere throughout the day was absolutely delightful and many attendees carried on into the night at The Tavern in the village.

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