Denstone Parents Events host charity ball
Charity Parents

The event raised £9,000 for the Charity and helped 8 seriously ill children fulfil their dreams.  Many of these were longed for trips or holidays to New York and Spain so these children can spend quality time with their families who in turn will have a well deserved break.  The donation also helped 12 year old Ellie who has a condition that affects her mobility and also has multiple learning difficulties which require her to have constant care. Her limited motor skills mean she is in a wheelchair a lot of the time and has to have regular physiotherapy.  The purchase of a specialist trike that she can power herself will add an extra dimension to her physio and help her join in more with her friends.

The guests were treated to a 3 course feast of freshly cooked Greek food from The Greek Outdoors and danced to live band Dexter after the raffle and auction had finished.  Storm DFX donated Atlantis themed totems to decorate the marquee and Scorpion Event Solutions provided themed lighting and sound.   Event organisers Julia Belton and Julia Saunders said “We are thrilled to have helped Ellie and 7 other local children with the proceeds from our Atlantis Charity Ball this year.  We are very proud that Denstone parents gave so generously to what is an extremely worthwhile cause, and, from an organiser’s point of view ,knowing that we have fulfilled the dreams of 8 very poorly children makes all the hard work worthwhile”. 

Promise Dreams Manager Beverley Bird said

It’s fantastic that we are able to help these children with the funding from Denstone Parents Events and we are very grateful for their support.


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