Denstone College Staff Run Liverpool Marathon
Sports Charity

Clare Burrows, Sarah McDowell and Tom Forster ran the Liverpool Marathon on 26 May in aid of Kidney Research  

Some of you might wonder why Kidney Research? Kidney Research is the charity nominated by Woodard House Captain Emily Belton. Kidney Disease is a silent killer. There are 3 million people in the UK with it right now and 1 million don't even know they have it. There is no cure. There are over 4500 people on the UK kidney transplant waiting list with an average waiting time of two and a half years. Kidney Research UK relies almost wholly on generous donations from the public, which fund research into better treatments and ultimately cures for kidney disease.

Emily’s sister Izzy, one of Clare’s tutees, was born with Kidney disease. Izzy has only one kidney, which functions at 17% and at some stage, probably in the next few years, the kidney will start to deteriorate and Izzy will need a transplant. Luckily for Izzy, her dad is a match for her.  Izzy is a remarkable young lady and inspired us to help raise money for the charity. To date pupils, parents and teachers at Denstone have raised £2,276.15 through running various school events, but we hope to boost these funds by running the marathon.  Training is currently going well, if a little painful at times!  

Clare, Sarah and Tom would like to thank everyone for their kind donations!

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