Denstone College Newsletter - 21-04-2023
Head's Newsletter

21 April 2023



Newsletter from the Head – Week 1


Dear Parents and Guardians

Welcome back to the Summer Term and the understandable excitement which comes with this time of year: Public examinations, long and light evenings, a Royal Coronation and always the sense of ‘preparing for September’. I am thrilled to be back to school and am looking forward to the weeks ahead in the company of your sons and daughters.

Staff Movements

Mr Simon Wood has been appointed as Head of Physics at Stafford Grammar School and will leave us at the end of this academic year. Mr Rupert Harden has been appointed Director of Rugby at Oakham School and will also leave at the end of this year. Our recruitment processes for all vacancies are well underway and the quality of applicant wanting to work at Denstone College continues to inspire confidence. As new appointments are made, I will inform all parents via this channel.

Study Leave and Expectations

Study Leave for Fifth Form can begin on 13 May, and for Upper Sixth on 12 May. Although this is an available option for pupils, we still firmly hold the opinion that the structure and support available in school for our exam candidates is the preferred option for most pupils and they should take advantage of the learning environment we provide with access to teachers for assistance. As previously reported, 8, 15 & 28 June remain the national ‘catch-up’ days and all candidates should keep this free should any exams be rescheduled. The expectation is that all exam candidates in all year groups will join us for the final events of the term – namely Sports Day, Speech Day, and the (Upper Sixth only) Leavers’ Ball and Leavers’ Service. These are important landmarks in the school year where we come together as a community before the lengthy summer holidays.

Arrangements for study leave for our Fifth Form and Upper Sixth Form students have now been distributed to students. Students in both year groups are asked to consider their movements over this period and to record these on the relevant form. The deadline for the return of this information is Friday 5 May. Please do discuss plans for study period with your son or daughter with a view to optimising the effectiveness of this time for their studies. Tutors, Mr Mace (Head of Middle School) and Mrs Maddocks (Head of Senior School) will be happy to answer any queries you have about these arrangements.

Key Dates for the Diary – Parents’ Evening

Second Form Parents’ Evening: Tuesday 2 May 2023.  Please note that the start time is 6.00pm in the Drill Hall on this occasion - see the Parent Portal for further information.

Lower Sixth Form Parents’ Evening:  Tuesday 20 June 2023

Choral and Orchestral Concert

At 7.00pm on Thursday 27 April, the College Choir and the Parent and Staff Choir will be performing Mozart’s Requiem in the Chapel, along with music from the Show Choir and the Chamber Choir. This is one of our biggest concert events of the year, and we very much hope that you will be able to join us for what promises to be an exciting evening of music.

Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Second Form Parents’ Evening
  • British Dyslexia Association – Exam Study Skills

Kind regards


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