The Prep Newsletter 28-04-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Parents / Guardians

I hope this newsletter finds you well. It's been a fantastic week here at the Prep, and we are excited to share our latest achievements with you.

On Monday, Prep 3 confidently acted out the parable of the sower in chapel. We hope you enjoyed their performance as much as we did.

This week our pupils have raised money for Cedars chosen charity, The Princess Trust, a worthy charity that provides vital support to children with cancer. Our students looked fantastic in their pink outfits, and we are grateful for their efforts to raise awareness and funds for such an important cause.

Looking ahead, we have Oak's charity themed homes clothes day scheduled for next Friday in support of Aqua Box, a charity that provides essential aid to those affected by natural disasters. We will be wearing pyjamas or onesies to school, and we encourage pupils to bring in a small donation to support this vital cause.

Sport News from Mr Bettaney.

Our cricket season has started really well and we have had some excellent coaching sessions, the pupils have been full of enthusiasm. We’re lucky to have either Paul Borrington (Director of Cricket) with Prep 5/6 or Wes Durston with Prep 3 /4. Both are ex-county cricket professionals and it’s fantastic to have these role models for our Prep pupils. Speaking of role models, we’re also extremely pleased to have Katie Falconer join our Prep sports staff. Initially, she will be working in our sessions on Tuesdays and Fridays both in Pre-prep and Main Prep. Katie’s husband is Ali Falconer, our Director of Hockey, and she is a very experienced prep school sports teacher.  

All cricketers know that the season is upon us when it starts to pour with rain! Already the weather meant our first match of the season against Derby Grammar was cancelled. Prep 6 are in action against NULS on Friday and we hope for kinder conditions. Next week will see our first home fixture for Prep 3 and 4. Could all parents be aware that we may play our home fixtures in different locations. The Prep pitches (located past the running track and where we have our rugby fixtures) will be used as will the Drive Astro. All pitch locations will be on the team sheets on Socs, however, if pupils are absent, we are often forced into changing teams on the day of the match. Please ask a member of the sports staff as they will always have the most up-to-date team sheets with them. 

PTFA Meeting

The PTFA are holding their next meeting on Wednesday 3 May at Denstone Hall Farm Shop in the cafe at 8.30am after morning drop off. We’re a friendly bunch and would love to see some new faces with new ideas for fundraising for the school. We warmly welcome volunteers at our meetings and to help out at events, but respect that everyone has other commitments and there is absolutely no pressure to participate any more than you are happy to. So, even if you just fancy a cuppa, please come along and join us!

Ice-cream Friday

The PTFA are organising an Ice-Cream Friday to kick-start the coronation celebrations next

Friday 5 May at 3.45pm. Lollies and ice creams will be for sale for £1 each in front of Main

Prep entrance. Children staying in prep or travelling on the bus will have an opportunity to buy an ice-cream too, so please send them in with £1 if you with them to do so. Fingers crossed that the great British weather improves before then!


The College are devastated to learn of the untimely passing of two parents of two separate families in the last month. We are providing support to the families of those who have suffered such tragedies. However, we wish to remind all parents that the impact of these deaths ripple far and wide in our community and many of our children will be finding it hard to compute the injustice of this. Please be aware that all children will be signposted to areas where they can seek help and support and will be reminded who they can approach to talk. It is our duty to help children understand how to help their friends and we have been doing this subtly this term; details of our work and the resources we use can be available on request.

Most importantly however are our continued thoughts and prayers for these two families at this difficult time.

Denstone 150th Big Birthday Celebration Tickets

It’s less than two months until our Big Birthday! Find out more in our

Old Denstonian Newsletter and book tickets here - Click here to book Big Birthday Tickets

Finally, a quick reminder that school reopens on Tuesday, 2 May, following the bank holiday weekend. We look forward to welcoming our pupils back to school for another exciting week of learning and growth. 

Thank you for your continued support and have a fantastic bank holiday weekend. 

Best regards

Tracey Davies

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