Denstone College Newsletter - 06-10-2023
Head's Newsletter

6 October 2023


Newsletter from the Head – Week 5

Dear Parents and Guardians

As another exeat weekend descends, it feels as though autumn has really arrived. I have been away for much of this week attending the HMC Heads' Conference where discussion about what makes our sector so valuable continued. I spent much of this time reflecting on how Denstone really does epitomise a positive and purposeful school so proud of what it achieves. On Tuesday, I was sitting with the Headmaster of Scarborough College at the same time our girls' 1st XI were playing his girls' 1st XI. He received a text message from one of his deputies talking through the match; the text never once referenced to the score but read "The Denstone girls were impeccable, every one of them helped clear up at match tea and they left their changing room impeccably tidy". I could not be more proud of our values-driven education which is producing fine, young, upstanding citizens. 

This exeat provides another lovely break in this otherwise busy term. Please do ensure your child enjoys some rest and relaxation, but please do also consider a family outing to a ParkRun - it is great to see that challenge taking off already, but this weekend could be a very good opportunity for as many members of our community as possible to get out and get running. Please do send through any results or volunteer information to [email protected]

Additionally, if you are a parent of an Upper Sixth pupil, this weekend could be a great time to provide your child with the time and space to really be pushing forward with their UCAS application. Deadlines are looming and decisions do need to be made, so please do engage in conversation with our team here if you require any further support. 


Remembrance Service

We warmly invite you to join us for our annual Remembrance services this year. Details of the services are as follows:  

  • For 1st and 2nd Form: Thursday 9 November, 8:50am - 9:30am 
  • For 3rd to U6th Form: Friday 10 November, 4:15pm - 5:30pm 

To ensure a smooth and timely seating process, we kindly request that you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the service. This will allow us to comfortably accommodate both you and our school community. 

Given the limited space, particularly for the senior service, it is essential that you secure your spot by completing the booking process using the following link by Monday 6 November:

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Jackie Plewes: [email protected] 


Pupil Absence Reporting

Daily Absences

Parents are responsible for informing the school on any occasion when their child is unable to attend due to illness. This should be done by either leaving a message on the Lodge answer machine 01889 590484  before  8:00am or emailing the Lodge at [email protected]  on the pupil’s first day of absence which has not previously been agreed with the school and every subsequent day of illness.

Planned Absence

Permission for a pupil to be out of school for a planned absence such as a medical appointment should be made to the Head of House/Head of Boarding. Heads of House/Boarding are able to grant up to two days absence from school. Permission for a pupil to be out of school for longer than two days is at the discretion of the Head.  Requests should always be made in writing by the parents, via the Head of House/Boarding House. The Head of House/boarding House will confirm whether the leave of absence has been granted by the College and ensure that the Lodge are aware of any authorised absence.


Absence affecting Sports Fixtures

When boys and girls train with a squad, it is an expectation that they are available for selection for every fixture. On the very rare occasion that a player is unavailable, parents should inform the Director of Sport, Mrs Durston, at [email protected] in writing at least a week in advance before selection stating the reason for this absence. Teams will be published on the sports noticeboards and College website no later than two days before the fixture. Once selected, if a player is injured or ill, parents should contact the school as soon as they suspect their child will be unable to make the fixture.


Judo Club

Judo Club will resume after half term with our Judo Instructor, Mr Bott.  This is open to all ages and abilities and is a very popular Club with our pupils.

Sessions will take place in the Sports Hall from 1900 until 2000 on Tuesday evenings.  Day pupils may go home and return in time for the session or alternatively arrangements can be made for day pupils to stay and have supper at school before the session.


If your son/daughter would like to attend, please could you email Mrs Durston directly at [email protected]

Evolve Trips

Below is a list of trips currently launched on Evolve:

Shrewsbury & Selwyn 2nd Form Social - Laserquest Derby10-Oct
Woodard 1st Form Social - Cinebowl and Pizza10-Oct
Computer Science Trip - Bletchley Park (5th and U6th Form)12-Oct
5th Form French Trip to Nice20-Oct
4th/5th/6th Spanish Trip to Valencia20-Oct
Gold Duke of Edinburgh Expedition21-Oct
Malta Diving Trip - True Adventure26-Oct
Hockey Tour - France31-Oct
5th Form Geog GCSE Field Trip - N. Wales12-Nov
Drama Trip - Woman in Black, Nottingham Theatre29-Nov


Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting    

  • RSE and Wellbeing

With very best wishes for a wonderful weekend.





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