Prep Newsletter - 06-10-2023
The Prep at Denstone College

Head of Prep: Week 5 Newsletter


Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this newsletter finds you well. What a bustling week we have had at the Prep!

Firstly, a big congratulations to Prep 5 for raising a fantastic amount in last week's Macmillan Coffee Afternoon. Well done to all involved! I would also like to thank our Form Reps for a very productive meeting earlier this week.

Prep 6 had an enlightening first session of "Food for Thought" with Dr Baker. Their minds were truly stretched and engaged in lively debate.

Musically, we were blessed this week with a Teatime concert on Monday - huge thanks to Mrs John and the entire music staff. Wednesday’s assembly was made even more special with Mrs McCusker’s violin performance, which the children and staff absolutely loved.

Our Eco Committee is now up and running, and Prep 6 enjoyed an educational trip to the Black Country Living Museum, capped off with a pool party and sleepover. To catch up on what our Prep pupils are up to, please check our Instagram for the latest updates.

Important Changes to Pick-up Procedure from Monday 9 October

  • At 1545 all pupils can be picked up as normal, this will remain the same. 
  • For Pre-Prep and Main Prep after school clubs, taking place from 1600-1700, staff running the after-school club will sign out the children to you from the Main Prep door and Pre-Prep garden.  Any child not collected at this time will be taken to after school prep.
  • For Pre-Prep and Main Prep after-school prep, please buzz the main foyer door for pick-up. After school staff on duty will bring the children to you outside of the main foyer.
  • Finally, a gentle reminder that parents are not allowed in pupil changing rooms to maintain safeguarding protocols.

Harvest Festival

A quick reminder that we are collecting donations for our Harvest Festival.  We would be most grateful if your child could bring in any of the following by Friday 13 October ready for our Harvest Assembly on Monday 16 October.  Donations can be left with Pre-Prep staff, or Helen Heron.

Baby food / biscuits / cereals / dried pasta / instant coffee / long-life fruit juice / long-life milk / microwaveable puddings / pasta sauces / rice / shower gel / snack bars / tea bags / tinned fruit /tinned meat and fish / tinned puddings / tinned soup / tinned vegetables / toiletries / toilet rolls/ vegetarian options.  Unfortunately, the foodbank is not able to store fresh or chilled items. Small packets and tins are preferred, if possible, please. 

Parents Evening

Parents' Evening is fast approaching on 12 October, taking place in the Drill Hall. If you have not already done so, you may book your slots online at   There will be no afterschool clubs (with the exception of swim squad), but Prep will be available as usual.   All children must be collected from Prep before 6pm, you are welcome to take your child to the Drill Hall with you and there will be a space for them to sit and wait while you have your meeting.  If your child usually gets the bus, but you are picking up due to parents evening, please contact Transport and Helen Heron for information.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best wishes,

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