Denstone College Newsletter 13-10-2023
Head's Newsletter

13 October 2023

Newsletter from the Head – Week 6

Dear Parents and Guardians

We are fast approaching Half Term and the College really does feel alive and buzzing with activity. If you had the honour and privilege of attending the Music Scholars’ Concert on Tuesday night, you would have witnessed a truly extraordinary showcase of talent – please do make sure you book in to our many and varied musical events.

This week during my walks around campus, I have enjoyed seeing the children enjoying this unseasonably warm weather, engaging in a myriad of activities and also really championing two key events: World Mental Health Day (celebrated on Tuesday) and International Boarding Day (celebrated on Saturday last week). Our children continue to demonstrate themselves as kind individuals who care for each other and the planet they inhabit.

Parkrun 2023

Well done to so many parents, pupils and siblings who took part over the exeat weekend; we have received almost 100 individual entries. Please do continue to keep this challenge on your radar and keep those points coming! The Half Term break contains three Saturdays and it would be lovely to see many new faces take part.

UCAS 2024

It has been so pleasing to sign-off so many UCAS forms this week and to see our Upper Sixth pupils settle on their choices for future plans. Many of our pupils are receiving offers already and I urge those who have nearly completed to spend some time this weekend finalising their forms. The reality is that the earlier a form is submitted, the greater chance of offers.

Evolve Trips

Below is a list of trips currently launched on Evolve:

Selwyn House 6th Form Social to Anoki16-Oct
5th Form French Trip to Nice20-Oct
4th/5th/6th Spanish Trip to Valencia20-Oct
St Joseph’s Rugby Festival 1st XV20-22 Oct
Gold Duke of Edinburgh Expedition21-Oct
Malta Diving Trip - True Adventure26-Oct
Hockey Tour - France31-Oct
5th Form Geog GCSE Field Trip - N. Wales12-Nov
Drama Trip - Woman in Black, Nottingham Theatre29-Nov

Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • National Centre for Social Research Evaluation Opt-out Form – 2M, 2S, 3T and 3X Wellbeing Pupils Only
  • Lower School Lockers

With kindest regards


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