Denstone College Newsletter - 10-11-2023
Head's Newsletter

10 November 2023

Newsletter from the Head – Week 10

Dear Parents and Guardians

Welcome back to the new half term and for your continued support with helping your child continue to strive to be the best possible version of themselves. Whilst the school has quickly picked up the pace and found the rhythm and routine of last term, our focus has very much been on the theme of Remembrance and our continued recognition of the 272 fallen Old Denstonians and Old Smallwoodians. Thank you to those of you who were able to join us for either of our services this week where our pupils were given the space and time to fully reflect on what this means for our community. Our rich history contains so many poignant moments, but none more so than the war years; those who fell will not be forgotten.

Road Safety

With the change in clocks, it is now very dark at the end of our school day. Please may all drivers be more alert to invisible children and take extra care. Our parking double yellow lines have been repainted and we ask that you adhere strictly to the one-way system. We will be working hard with the pupils to remind them of their duty of care in crossing roads at dedicated crossing points and being observant to moving traffic.

Lost Property

Please may we continue to ask for all items brought to school to be carefully named. Denstone College has a very strong approach to theft of belongings but are pleased to report that this is rarely an issue. What is an issue however, is the misplacing of items and the careless disregard of property around campus. Please may we ask that before children report theft (a very strong word and only to be used when a criminal act has taken place), please may you ask them whether there could be an issue of lost property or forgetfulness. We are always keen to reunite property with children and continue to work hard to tidy up belongings and would welcome your support by the clear and obvious naming of items.

Holiday Camps

Our Enterprise department are looking at hosting holiday clubs and sports camps here at the College and would like some feedback from parents. Please may you take a few minutes of your time to complete the survey:

Fourth Form Parents’ Evening

Please be reminded of the calendared Fourth Form Parents’ Evening taking place on Tuesday 21 November.  For more information, please refer to the letter on the parent portal.

Evening Concert – Tuesday 14 November

On Tuesday evening at 7.00pm there will be an evening concert in the Chapel. This event features a wide range of our solo performers, and parents and guests are very welcome to attend. No tickets are required.

Evolve Trips

Below is a list of trips currently launched on Evolve:

5th Form Geog GCSE Field Trip - N. Wales12-Nov
Drama Trip - Woman in Black, Nottingham Theatre29-Nov


Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting    

  • Denstone Parents Annual Charity Event – Christmas Fair and Elf Workshop
  • Fourth Form Parents’ Evening

With very best wishes,



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