The Prep Newsletter 10-11-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Week 10 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this message finds you well. As we welcomed our pupils back after the half-term break, I want to express our enthusiasm for the upcoming term ahead.  I would like to take a moment to extend our heartfelt thanks to Reverend Darren for conducting a special Remembrance Service this week.  I am sure that anyone who attended will agree that the children were brilliant!

With the change in clocks, it is now very dark at the end of our school day. Please may all drivers be more alert to invisible children and take extra care. Our parking double yellow lines have been repainted and we ask that you adhere strictly to the one-way system. We will be working hard with the pupils to remind them of their duty of care in crossing roads at dedicated crossing points and being observant to moving traffic.

Holiday Camps

Our Enterprise department are looking at hosting holiday clubs and sports camps here at the College and would like some feedback from parents. Please may you take a few minutes of your time to complete the survey:

Chapel and Show Choir

Chapel and Show Choir members, plus any pupil who would like to be involved, are invited to perform Carols and some songs they are learning for future performances as background music at the Christmas Market on 18 November. There will be a couple of slots between 12.00 and 16.00.  If you would like your child to take part then please email Mrs John [email protected] directly by the end of day Monday 13 November so we have enough time to prepare for this event.

As we look forward to the coming week, here are some important reminders:

Monday 13 November, Odd Socks Day

We encourage all pupils to wear Odd Socks to school. This is a simple yet powerful way to show that everyone is accepted, and we celebrate our differences.

Wednesday 15 November, Prep 4 visit to Redfern’s Cottage

Prep 4 are learning about The Midlands, to enrich their learning we have organised a visit to Redfern's Cottage in Uttoxeter. Please see the booking invitation sent via evolve to find further details and to sign up for the visit.

Wednesday 15 November, Prep 6 Entrance Day

I hope that your Prep 6 child is looking forward to the day at the College on 15 November. On the day, please bring your child to the Prep as usual in the morning by 08.20; the Prep teachers will escort them to the College. At the end of the day, pupils may be collected at 16.00 from the Drill Hall. Any Prep 6 pupils not collected by 16.00 will be escorted back to the Prep for after-school activities as normal. Pupils should wear home clothes on the day please.

Friday 17 November, Children in Need

None uniform day with donations for Children in Need. Your generosity makes a significant difference, and we thank you for your support.

Friday 17 November, Hartley House Zombie Sleepover for Prep 6.

It promises to be a thrilling and fun-filled event for our pupils.

Saturday 18 November, Denstone Parents Events Annual Charity Christmas Fair

Please see the parent portal for further information.

Best wishes,

The following attachment can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Denstone Parents Events Annual Charity Christmas Fair Flyer

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