Denstone College Pupil Raises Funds for Macmillan Cancer Research
Sixth Form Event

Upper Sixth pupil Megan Cappa organised a Summer Fair during the holidays to raise awareness and money for a charity that is very close to her heart. Megan and her family had a huge amount of support from Macmillan during her father’s treatment, which is continuing after he sadly passed away      

The event, which was held at Denstone Village Hall, included a variety of stalls, raffles, tombola, refreshments and a visit from Ashmore’s ice cream.

The day was a huge success for Megan with £531.00 being raised on day and the amount still climbing. Megan has said she is extremely grateful for all those that attended and supported the event, allowing her to give back to a charity that have given her family so much support.

If you would like to donate to Megan’s charity please go to the link below. 


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