The Prep Newsletter 01-07-2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I would like to open this week’s newsletter by thanking everyone for their well wishes whilst I have been suffering with shingles. I am pleased to report than I am now back to full health.

Last week was certainly very productive, with the employment of four new TAs from a wide selection of talented candidates. Two of our brilliant current staff, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Wild, are now being employed on a permanent basis. Moreover, with an increase in hours, you’ll be seeing a lot more of them! Well done both - it couldn’t be more deserved. Mrs Mothershaw will be returning to us in Pre-Prep, and we will welcome Mrs Stubbs to the Prep community in September. Additionally, an HLTA, Mrs Charlotte Moriarty, will work alongside Mrs Emmerson-Friend with Prep 4 from September. Charlotte already volunteers on a Tuesday afternoon at the Prep, and we can’t wait to see more of her.

On Monday, pupils took part in Moving Up Morning, spending the time with their teachers for next year. Despite some initial nerves, I am pleased to confirm that all pupils have settled in wonderfully. Prep 6 spent the morning at the College, meeting their new classmates. How exciting!

Unfortunately, Sports Day on Tuesday was cancelled due to inclement weather. If one thing is certain in life, it is that the British summer is unpredictable! I can’t apologise enough for the disappointment. Unfortunately, due to a full diary next week, at this stage we have been unable to reschedule.

On Wednesday, Oliver Poole’s mother Fiona delivered PSHE first aid workshops to all year groups. As a first aider myself, I can testify that it is truly a vital skill; you’re never too young to learn to save a life. It is essential to be able to help and think of others.

We are ending the week with Speech Day, celebrating the successes of our wonderful school over a busy year full of new beginnings, and reminiscing about Prep 6’s time at the College. There is also lots to look forward to including Phase 2 developments and boarding for our Prep pupils. 

There’s also lots to look forward to in our final week of the year…my goodness, how quickly the year has gone.


Busy week ahead:

Mon 4th July: LAMDA exams over 50 pupils taking part, plus final rehearsals for Prep 5 and 6 play.

Weds 6th and Thurs 7th July: Prep 5 and 6 Performance of "The Magic Finger" 6:30-7:30pm

All Prep 5 and 6 pupils will remain in school on the 5th and 6th July next week, dinner will be provided for pupils. Parents watching are encouraged to bring along picnics, blankets, deck chairs to enjoy the performances in the Quad. The Quad can be accessed via the door via The Lodge Reception, or you can walk around the side of the building past the Med Centre.  At the end of the performances, pupils may be picked up from the Prep.

Thurs 7th July: Prep 3 Trip/Prep 6 Leaver's dinner.

Fri 8th July: 1030-1130 Prep 6 Leaver's Service in Chapel.  We ask that Prep 6 pupils wear smart uniform for the Leaver’s Service. They are welcome to bring a bag to change into non-uniform and their Leaver’s hoodie for an afternoon of adventures off-site.

No after school clubs next week, since it is the last week of term. After school prep will go ahead Mon-Thursday next week. School finishes for the summer break at 1545 on Fri 8th July.

Sports Update

Fixtures, tournaments and house events have already been scheduled for the autumn and will be available to view in the calendar by the end of term. It is of fundamental importance that pupils at The Prep get a varied sporting provision and we firmly believe in late specialisation. Late specialisation in sport has many proven advantages. Youth who try a number of sports and specialise at older ages reach higher performance levels than those who specialise early. Such athletes are less likely to burn out and do not develop the perfectionist attitudes that often come with early specialisation. They develop better movement patterns and decision-making skills because they are involved in a range of activities that require a variety of cognitive and physical functions. This evidence supports our policy regarding Main Prep pupil participation in Sport next year.

Michmas - Rugby (boys) and Hockey (girls)

Lent - Hockey (boys) and Netval (girls)

Summer - Mixed Cricket

Tracey Davies

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