Queen Elizabeth II, thank you for an incredible reign.

Denstone College and The Prep at Denstone College are saddened to hear the news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, A Queen who was loved by many across the globe, with this news no doubt impacting most of our Denstone community. 

A letter has been sent out to all parents via email which reads as below.

Dear Parent,

On behalf of Denstone College, I would like to express my sincerest condolences on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. As a community we are deeply saddened by the news and our thoughts are with all members of the Royal Family in this time of national mourning. 

The purpose of this email is to set out our immediate plans for our commemoration. Tomorrow morning, pupils will attend a short memorial service in place of congregational singing practice. During that time, opportunities to light candles and write in our Book of Condolence will be available to all. 

There will be further opportunities throughout the day for our pupils to talk about this significant event and to acknowledge the impact the death of the Queen can have on us all, as individuals. 

Our evening Chapel Service will begin at 4:50pm. Parents of children in Moss Moor are still invited to this occasion and drinks after the service will continue as planned, albeit with a more appropriately sombre tone.  If other parents wish to join us for the service, then we ask you to register your intentions with Dr David Baker ([email protected]) by 1pm today so appropriate arrangements can be made; we may not be able to accommodate all requests due to the capacity of our Chapel. 

Further correspondence regarding arrangements for the coming days will be communicated in due course. 

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II leaves behind a remarkable legacy, having ruled for longer than any other monarch in British history, and her faithful leadership, selfless service, and voice of reassurance throughout her seventy-year reign will be remembered by generations. 

As a Woodard School, we recognise Queen Elizabeth's role as Head of the Church of England, and Defender of the Faith. 

God save the King. 


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