Denstone College's DCTV Platform

Denstone College is proud to introduce DCTV, its innovative live streaming platform which is ran by pupils and overseen by members of staff is designed to highlight the talents, achievements, and activities of its students and teachers. More than just a showcase, DCTV serves both educational and community-building purposes, fostering a deeper sense of engagement among parents, guardians, alumni, and stakeholders.

We take privacy and consent seriously at Denstone, DCTV is no exception to this. Before any live streaming takes place, participants are asked for explicit consent, especially regarding sports teams whose names and images may be featured. Those who haven't given consent will not be included in the live stream or the live streaming will not take place, ensuring a respectful and inclusive educational experience for all.

The live streaming itself will occur on YouTube with a built-in 30-second delay, providing a buffer to pause the stream if needed. Following the live events, the videos will remain accessible on YouTube, serving as an archive for future viewing. This archival approach not only benefits current audiences but also allows alumni to revisit cherished moments in the years to come.

For external clients, such as other participating schools, a streamlined consent process ensures that all parties involved are comfortable with the live stream. Designated staff members manage consent gathering, confirming in writing when all consents are received or noting any opt-outs, ensuring a transparent and respectful collaboration.

The management of video content on YouTube will be overseen by the marketing team, ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations and promptly addressing any requests for content removal from data subjects. This careful management reflects Denstone College's commitment to showcasing talent while prioritising privacy and consent in the digital age.

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