South House and Middle School Newsletter Summer 2022

Sunshine and Studying in Middle School!
I am always amazed by how the Fifth Form can come through such a challenging period of their lives with good humour and smiles on their faces. This year has been no different, so well done to everyone and congratulations for emerging on the other side having acquitted yourselves so incredibly well – good luck for results day!!

It has been business as usual for the Fourth Form, as they have had to combine their academic studies with the many activities associated with the Denstone College community. The sun has come out allowing for the wonderful summer sports of cricket, tennis and athletics to take place, whilst life in the CCF and Chapel Choir has remained as busy as always. Girls and Boys cricket has produced county champions and good runs in the National cricket competitions, whilst a number of Middle School pupils have represented the College’s U18 First Teams across each of the summer sports. The Fourth Form GCSE Drama show was a particular highlight, with those involved really impressing on stage, whilst also offering a glimpse of more to come next year. Activities Week has provided a variety of experiences that would otherwise be unavailable during term time and I hope that the Fourth Form have embraced the experiences on offer.

I wish all of Middle School an enjoyable summer break, no doubt you will have deserved a much needed rest after the exploits of this term and the year as a whole.

South House Boarding
The summer term is always amazing for the boarders in South House – the sun comes out and the activities are always a lot of fun! Whilst it has been a tough period for the Fifth Form boarders who have completed their GCSE examinations, they have done extremely well to get through it with smiles on their faces, and I wish them luck for the upcoming results day!

The full boarders have enjoyed a fantastic programme of weekend activities – we have been to Chester Zoo, the theatre to watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame, paintballing, a Chinese restaurant, trips to the cinema and bowling, pizza making & games and enjoyed the famous Moss Moor ice cream party – combined with the traditional epic water fight! As always, the full boarders have been kept busy and have had a fantastic series of enjoyable events this term. Boarding has remained fun during the week also, with the golf course and tennis courts becoming popular seasonal evening alternatives to the usual activities of swimming, performance centre, various sports and various academic extension opportunities, among many others!

Well done to all boarders for the successful completion of another year, I see a huge amount of happiness, progress and achievement - it is hard to believe that it has happened in just one year!

Enjoy the summer break!

Mr J Young

Head of Middle School and South House Boarding

Summer ‘22

Upcoming dates for your diary

5 September
MichaelmasTerm begins

14 October
Half Term break begins

31 October
Term resumes

22 November
4th Form Parents Evening (Virtual)

1 December
5th Form - Options Fair for 6th Form

5 December
5th Form Progressing to 6th Form Evening

16 December
End of term

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