Heywood House Newsletter Summer 2022

Heywood House

Summer 2022 Newsletter

Head of House: Ana M Jones     [email protected]

House Captain:  Oscar V-D Cultural Captain: Beth S

Sports Captains: Rebecca F & Matthew S-A


The Summer term is the one that everybody looks forward to. Despite the time spent in exam revision, and the endless hours in the drill hall, the improving weather sees the cricket pitches, tennis courts and athletics ground buzzing with pupils. In spite of the expected apprehension from the 5th and U6th form regarding final exams, they know that once the hard work is over they can prepare for an extended Summer break with celebrations on the horizon for the U6th. It was fantastic to be able to gather again in Summer socials, House dinner, Leavers’ Service and Sports day, and after three years without these social events, I could not have asked for more from every Heywood pupil involvement. Heywood pupils have risen to every challenge presented and made me proud to be Head of their House.


As a House, pupils achieved 853 merits in the summer term, an average of 7.68 merits per pupil, which is less than in previous summer terms, but enough to award Heywood the Merits Cup

We have, however, the 1st and 2nd highest achievers in the school, a couple of merits short from a Platinum Distinction, the 4th formers Amelia L (48 merits) and Niamh M (43 merits) collected a Gold Distinction this term and were also awarded the Fourth Form Effort Prizes, awarded to only 4 pupils in their year. Congratulations to Ameila and Niamh for this fantastic achievement.

Many Heywoodians were also prize winners. In U6th, Sophie H collected 3 prizes, in Business, EPQ and History, Rebecca F was awarded the prestigious Mathematics Prize, and Beth S collected the Psychology prize. Our L6th were also winners, especially Ella H who collected the Economics Prize, Kitty W was awarded the English Literature Prize, Keela W collected the History Prize, Austin D won the Science (Talbot) Prize and finally Petra C collected the Theatre Studies Prize.

In Middle School, Henry H collected the Geography Prize and Harrison E collected the Religious Studies Prize. Monty C in 4th Form collected the Attainment Prize.

In Lower  School, the stars were Louie G and Liv Y who collected the 2nd Form Attainment Prize, for the 2nd year running, and Holly C who collected the Effort Prize. Cameron L, following his sisters successful path, collected the 1st Form Attainment Prize.

There were also special prizes awarded to Jack C and Ellie R who collected the Denstone Parents’ Events Prize for their performance in their GCSE exams.


Apart from the 2 Gold Distinctions mentioned above, Heywood pupils were hard at work and the following were awarded Silver and Bronze distinctions:


Silver Distinctions (+20 merits): 1st Form: Thomas J (23). 4th Form: Louis C (29), Monty C (25) and Fraser C (20)

A further 36 were awarded Bronze Distinction for 10 merits: 1st Form:  Juana G-G, Oliver H-J, Joe G, Orla M, Lucy S, Carlos G-G, Izzy O, Freya F-W, Cameron L, Harry R, Sam S, Isabelle D, Seb J.  2nd Form: Archie J, Holly C, Isla S, Eve S, Lucy D, Amber D, Samuel B, Louie G. 3rd Form: Daisy H, Hugo M,  Eisah C, Megan K, Ted B, Fraser D, Charlie G, Louis C, Kaif K, Esther C, Edward S. 4th Form: Elizabeth C, Joe B, Annabelle I, Anya P.


Summer Term has been a busy term for 4th formers who were occupied writing and performing their GCSE Devised Plays which were inspired by “Pressing Issues”. Fraser C and Anya P performed in Going Under, a dystopian tragedy tackling the possible consequences of extreme climate change, and inspired by a real weather disaster in China.

Junior dramatists were on stage on the Lower School Musical production of Oliver! JR. Holly C took centre of stage as Mrs Bedwin and delivered a superb performance. Esther C as Widow Corney was also impressive. Five 1st formers were in Fagin’s gang: Sam S (who also played Noah Claypole), Joe G (Nipper), Orla M, Lucy S and Izzy O (who also performed during the medley show in Speech Day and Prizegiving.  Isabelle D appeared in the Workhouse Ensemble, and 3rd Formers Amber D, Eve S and Liv Y (also as Charlotte) were part of the Adult Ensemble. Behind the stage, Megan K, Freya F-W, Jean H, Isla S and Lucy D helped with the set and props design, and Anya P shared her dramatic skills as a Student Director. As always Heywood tutor, Mrs C Dawson was their invaluable Music Director.

The cast for the Senior Musical production 9 to 5 next academic year has been announced. I’d like to congratulate Ellie R for her role as Violet. Kitty W, Eloise B, Petra C, Aaron B, Henry H, Nathan E and Charlie E have also been casted in main roles. Chloe C, Anya P and Esther C will form part of the Ensemble with Kitty and Eloise as Leads.


Heywood was awarded the Cultural Cup. Well done everyone for their contributions to the Arts, especially to Anthony C (1st place in Question Time), Sam S (2nd place in Castle Competition), Fraser D, Sophie H and Louis C (3rd place in House Quiz), Lam C, Charlie G and Aaron B (2nd place in Chess), Lam C and Freya F-W (1st place in Photography Competition) and 4th form pupils for their 3rd place in Film Festival Be Kind, Rewind.


At last, parents and pupils have been able to enjoy the social events that stopped three years ago when we were hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent restrictions. Heywood Summer BBQ was a joyful event, which despite the chill in the air, was well-supported by parents and pupils.

On the 28th June, 90 pupils and 7 tutors attended the annual House dinner at Yeldersley Hall. There were fabulous speeches, fantastic food, and a fun disco.


Sports finals were a display of superb house spirit with all but one events filled in with keen participators.

The events started on Friday with the utterly demanding race Paarlauf.

1st  form: Freya F-W and Cameron L (5th Place)

2nd Form: Liv Y and Louie G (3rd Place)

3rd Form: Gracie J and Kaif K (2nd Place)

4th Form: Amelia L and Charles W (2nd Place)

5th Form: No entry

L6th: Eloise B and C E (3rd Place)

U6th: Beth S and Oscar VD (2nd Place)

We had an awesome start on a sunny and hot Saturday afternoon with Oscar Van-D leading the Leavers’ Relay and finishing in 1st place.

This was followed by an afternoon of great success and record breaking performances. These are some of the best results of Sports Finals:

John N: 1st in High Jump

Louis C: 1st in High Jump and in Triple Jump

Louie G: 1st in High Jump

Sophie H: 1st in High Jump and Discus

Rebecca F: 1st in Javelin (with a School new record: 31m20)

Ben C: 1st in Javelin

Sam B: 1st in Discus

Edie N: 1st in Shot Put

Harrison E: 1st in 100 m and in 400m

Charlie H: 1st in 800m

Ellie R: 1st in 400m

Charles W: 1st in 1500m

Louis C, Harrison E, Charles W and John N: 1st in 100m

Ellie R, Daisy H, Ella H, A Lewis:  1st in 400m Relay


And an amazing 2nd finish in the 24x100m Big Relay.


It is not only about 1st places, there were some commendable performances of pupils stepping up to run races in the last minute, or to volunteer to run where nobody else wanted to: Megan K, Niamh M, Frankie S, Zeb A, Gracie J, Bronwyn W, Eloise B, Fraser D, Oliver R, Beatrice Dt and Freya F-W. They demonstrated real house spirit.


I would like to thank Heywood tutors for their support and commitment: Charlotte Dawson, James Hartley, Chris Farman, Jade Potter, Jon Tomlinson, Kathryn Molyneaux, and Michael Watson.

 Also a special thanks to Heywood Sports Captains (Matt S-A and Rebecca F), Heywood Cultural Captains (Beth S) and Heywood House Captain, Oscar V-D, for their excellent work organising their teams and motivating pupils to participate and building a superb House spirit.


..And so the time comes to say goodbye to our fantastic U6th Leavers: Lucie A, Will A Ben C, Lam C, Rebecca F, Miller H, Sophie H, Amelia K, Edie, Neville M-P, Mackenzie P, Beth S, Matt S-A, Dae S and Oscar V-D

You have been a superb group to work with. I hope you will take away fond and lasting memories of your time at Denstone and in Heywood House. All of Heywood wish you good fortune and prosperity on what ever path you take!

In addition we say farewell to Mr James Hartley who has been an inspirational tutor to Heywood pupils for nearly two decades.

Congratulations to Jack C on his appointment as Captain of Heywood House.

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