The College Newsletter 8 July 2022

Newsletter from the Head – Week 11


Dear Parents and Guardians

Our final Friday of the academic year is here and it is hard to comprehend just how exciting this last year has been. It has been an honour and a privilege to lead this school and I am incredibly grateful for all those who have made me feel so welcome. Schools are cyclical beasts and this week we say farewell to our departing Upper Sixth. They have been true leaders this year and I am indebted to their support and kindness in helping me understand the ‘Denstone Way’; I look forward to charting their successes and hearing of their adventures as they spread their wings and head down the drive for one final time tomorrow.

I hope all of our community has a wonderful summer of rest and relaxation. I ask that all of our pupils keep fit and healthy, read for pleasure, spend time with loved ones and away from devices and return ready to resume school life in September.

Arrangements for Saturday

All pupils should be in school by 9:30am as usual, in smart school uniform and with their athletics kit. The arrangements for the day are as follows:

9:30am             Registration by House for all pupils

10:15am            Leavers’ Service. First and Second Form students are not attending the Leavers’ Service and arrangements have been made for them.

11:30am            After the Leavers’ Service, Leavers and Parents are invited for light refreshments in the Quad. Parents are invited to bring their own picnics and set up near the track. A light buffet lunch will be served for pupils in the Dining hall from 11:45am.

12:15pm            Sports Finals

4:30pm              Summer Term ends

All pupils taking part in Sports Day must wear Denstone College branded shorts/skort and their House T-Shirt.  Please note that no alcohol may be consumed by any pupil at any stage of this occasion and we ask that parents are mindful of this being a family occasion.

Hartley House

As per my Speech Day message, the new boarding facility for pupils in The Prep and in First and Second Form will now be named ‘Hartley House’ in honour of James and Liz Hartley. Many parents have approached us to ask if they can contribute towards a fund to help with the refurbishment of the garden and outdoor facilities of this space – including an appropriately branded bench. If you wish to contribute, please do…. 

Bank Account Details:          Lloyds Bank, Denstone College Ltd

Sort Code:                            30-97-62

Account No:                          00589453

Reference:                            HHouse

We are delighted to announce that Ms Kim King will be Housemistress of Hartley House in September. Most of you will know her in her role as teacher of Chemistry and will be a great addition to our Boarding community. Ms King looks forward to meeting and getting to know all of the children that will be in her care next term.

Communication over the Summer

This will be a busy Summer for refurbishment, upgrade and development here at the College. No school ever really sleeps in the holidays, but I would be most grateful if non urgent issues for staff could be saved until the end of August. Teachers will be in school preparing and planning for the new school year but access to emails may be a little sporadic at times as they take a well-deserved holiday. However, please do not hesitate to communicate via my email address to resolve any issues prior to the start of the new year: [email protected]

Additionally, I will send out a newsletter intermittently over the summer with updates and necessary communication prior to the new school year so please do look for our latest news and updates.

Speech Day Photographs

We very much hope that you enjoyed Speech Day as much as we did. It is always wonderful to see so many achievements applauded.

If you would like to purchase any images of the day, please visit the link below:  

Password: 1722

Summer End of Term Grades and Comments

End of term grades and comments will be available on the iSAMs Parent Portal site for viewing from Monday 11 July. These can be found by logging into your usual Parent Portal account - - and clicking on your child’s name followed by ‘school reports.’ Any queries over access to Parent Portal can be sent to [email protected].

Michaelmas Term 2022 Calendar

The online calendar for Michaelmas Term 2022 has now been published through the College website. The calendar can and does sometimes change to a certain extent over the course of the term, so please do keep a close eye on it over the course of next term.

Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Digital Safety Newsletter July 2022
  • Internet Matters Guide: Digital Diet - Balancing Screen Time
  • Senior Boys’ Rugby Pre-season 2022
  • U16 Boys’ Rugby Pre-season 2022
  • U15 Boys’ Rugby Pre-season 2022



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